Chapter 5

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Roocal had the feeling the singing was a little louder now. He gestured for Groog to lead and told Bigs to watch the rear. He wasn’t sure why he was in charge but the commands came naturally to him and the others accepted them without comment.

The singing grew louder as they walked and it had an increasingly alluring quality. Yet at the same time, it was managing to make Roocal feel a bit melancholy. Each note seemed to hang in the air like mist, making the atmosphere feel thick and oppressive. 

Maybe this was something that would help activate his memories or echoes, as Mol had called them. The odd dirge was definitely finding its way inside his head and the feeling of nostalgia it was inducing was turning more and more to sadness. He could see Groog was also affected by it but it was Bigs that worried him most. The Flutie had lost his light quick stride and walked like he was almost in a trance. 

The singing was loud and close now. The acoustics in the cavern they were entering amplified the sound and Roocal could feel his legs getting heavier, like he was walking in treacle.

He shook his head vigorously and tried to focus. In the centre was a small fire and silhouetted against its dim light was a young woman. She was sitting staring into the flames, singing softly. She was undoubtedly the source but it was the circle of Yutes surrounding her that got Roocal’s attention. The Yutes were around four feet tall and humanoid in appearance. All carried weapons of various sorts and had blank expressions on their faces that weren't natural.  

Roocal’s fear rose, as he noticed Bigs hadn’t stopped at the entrance with him and was still walking, heading right towards the circle of Yutes. Groog looked like he wished to join Bigs but was fighting the urge and held his ground alongside Roocal, at least for now. The Yutes parted as Bigs arrived, leaving him space to join their circle. Bigs sat slowly, eyes transfixed on the enchanting singer. 

If the young woman noticed Bigs she gave no indication and just carried on chanting her mournful melody. Roocal then became aware of another presence in the room. A much older woman, sitting off to one side looking directly at him. In direct contrast to the enchanting beauty of the singer, this woman was repulsive in the extreme. The ugliness of her stare sending a shiver down his spine, as he caught sight of her beady eyes.

He was distracted then as Groog started walking forward to join the circle. The song was growing with power. It was almost as if the more people who joined the circle the stronger it got. Roocal could feel the melody in his head, like tendrils tugging at his subconscious. It offered calm and warmth and all you had to do was surrender.

The ugly hag was grinning at him now. She was winning, Roocal knew it. He didn’t have long and must act now.

He grabbed his quarterstaff, took a deep breath and screamed a warcry as loud as he could and rushed towards the hag. His shouts briefly drowning out the notes of the song in his head. 

As he ran, the Yutes in the circle started to stand up and moved to block his path. He heard the old woman cackle as they did. The Yutes drew their weapons but what really disconcerted Roocal was the sight of Groog untethering the huge axe on his back and turning his glazed eyes on him.

The hag laughed a bone chilling laugh as the Yutes attacked. Roocal dropped into his ready stance and prepared to defend himself but it wasn’t the Yutes that reached him, rather it was a crazed Flutie dual wielding a pair of daggers with great speed that attacked first. 

Thankfully, with his new bracelet and enhanced hand speed, Roocal was able to deflect all the attacks before ramming the blunt end of his quarterstaff into Bigs' face. He heard the man’s nose break and saw blood spill all over the floor.

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