Chapter 12

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Something had changed inside Roocal when he woke the next morning. Something more than the return of his echoes and the increased feeling of power. He now had a purpose. He knew why he was here and what he had to do. He may still be a Traveller but he definitely wasn’t lost anymore.

It was still dark as he walked down the stairs into the common room. He could hear Carb already up working away in the storeroom but he didn’t bother him. He was curious about something else this morning. Crossing  the inn floor, he headed out into the beautiful morning air. The sun wasn’t up yet but it wouldn’t be long until it poked its head above the horizon and Roocal wanted to be out in the fields when this happened.

He suspected the phrase ‘catch the Sun Sprite’ was more than just an expression and wanted to find out a little more about this thing. Away from the village and the safe zone, sure enough, as soon as the first rays of morning appeared, a flash of light caught his eye next to one of the nearby trees. Trying to appear nonchalant, he walked slowly towards the dancing light, avoiding looking directly at it, for fear of frightening it off. 

As he got closer, he could see the light was hovering a few feet off the ground, making occasional swooping and diving moves in the air. The light had a vaguely human form and was about a foot high, with wings beating a quick rhythm behind it. The dancing figure seemed content playing in the morning light, not seemingly bothered by Roocal’s approach.

Roocal knew instinctively this was a Sun Sprite and similarly he knew what he had to do. When he was only a few steps away he exploded into motion, with a level of speed that even surprised himself, catching the little sprite nimbly between his fingers. 

Careful not to harm the little creature, Roocal turned it to face him. It didn’t seem scared, only curious. 

“It has been many a sunrise since someone has sought out my help,” the little creature buzzed.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you would be kind enough to share some of your power with me.” Roocal replied, holding the sprite carefully but firmly.

“I’m a sprite of speed,” the little pixie said smiling, "I can further enchant your bracers if you so wish.”

“That is very kind,” Roocal replied. “What can I do in return?”

“I love flowers,” the sprite said, perhaps you have one to spare. 

Reaching into his stasis bag, he pulled out one of the flowers he had collected on his wander the other day. “It is pretty," the Sprite smiled, "But I sense you have a more beautiful one in your bag.”

Roocal grinned, the little sprite was a creature of magic. He took out the Polo flower Triston had given him and offered it to the sprite. 

“Yes, yes." The sprite hummed, very happy at the sight. “Would you be so kind as to put it in my hair.”

Roocal gently placed the flower on the sprite’s head, not quite sure what to do exactly, but as the flower touched the sprite, it suddenly vanished and then reappeared as a smaller, but equally vibrant version, in the sprite's hair.”

The sprite was clearly delighted by this. It smiled and beat its wings with joy. The sprite then suddenly slipped out of Roocal grasp and hovered lightly a few feet away.

Roocal knew straight away that the sprite could have escaped his grasp at any moment had it wanted to, and if he was completely honest, it had probably let itself get caught too. It was just too fast. 

"Now it's my turn. Hold out your arms,” the sprite hummed. Roocal did so and watched as the sprite flew, with incredible speed around his bracers causing them to glow brightly with magic. The sight was enchanting and Roocal almost sighed out loud watching the patterns streaming around his bracers. 

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