Chapter 19

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Back on the main island, Roocal checked the map, still feeling a sense of relief at not having encountered a second Eidolon. As far as he could tell, they were pretty close to where the map indicated the tunnel towards Nestor’s home started, but he didn’t want to enter just yet. The group needed some time to rest and take stock.

As Scar got another fire going, Groog asked, “Have you got another bottle of wine?”

Scar shook her head but she wasn’t really listening, she had opened the big leather tome she had found in the spider’s den and was engrossed in it again.

“What’s the story about?” Groog asked.

Scar raised an eyebrow but refrained from making a sarcastic comment. “It’s not a story, it’s a spell book.”

“Really?” Groog said, hiding a slight smile. 

“Have you learnt anything new?” Cherry put in, clearly trying to make an effort with Scar.

“Actually,” Scar said, “That is the really infuriating part. I’ve learnt the spells off by heart and can perform the movements perfectly but something is blocking the magic. I think a trainer needs to dissolve the block for me.”

“Still,” Cherry added, “The book is valuable and opens up a whole world of new magic to you, once you see a trainer.”

Yes, Scar thought. There was a spell in the book called ‘Fireball’ she was just aching to try.

Groog took a bite from some kind of hard cake in his rations and said, “Why didn’t Nestor try to capture us the first time he saw us?” not seemingly bothered by the complete change of subject.

“I’m thinking the return of our echoes was triggered by some of our early experiences on the island.” Roocal answered, “I guess Nestor had to let us do some adventuring before he put us in a cage.”

“Bah,” Groog said, “I’d like to see him try to cage me now,” stroking the axe lying beside him. Groog’s moment of philosophical reflection seemingly at an end. 

And as if to emphasise the point, Groog added, “Next time I see that little weasel, I’m gonna throttle him and take all his nice stuff.”

Roocal took a bite from his own rations. “That is the plan,” he added, “But I’m not sure you’ll be able to take his stuff.” 

Groog turned towards Roocal with a slightly confused expression on his face.

“Do you remember what happened to Scar when she … fell from the cliff,” Roocal said.

“Aye. She died.” 


“Her clothes disappeared,” Groog said, beginning to cotton on to what Roocal was saying.

“My what?” Scar said, suddenly paying attention to the conversation.

“Yes,” Roocal said, “Your possessions disappeared. It seems like even in death our things are linked to us.”

“So I was just lying there-”

“No,” Roocal interrupted, “You weren’t, well... you know. You had some things on.”  

Scar blushed a crimson colour. 

“Why did no-one tell me?” she croaked.

“We just witnessed you coming back to life, the fact your robe had vanished seemed secondary,” Roocal replied honestly.

Scar buried her head back in the book.

“My point is,” Roocal continued, turning back to Groog, “I don’t think we could take Nestor’s things because I think he’s a Traveller like us.” 

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