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I stretched when I got out of bed. Turns out I slept in late and had to run to school. "Crap crap crap!"
I waved my mom goodbye missing breakfast and started sprinting full speed to school.
Well, I'm an idiot,
I got hit by a car running on the walkway and well, we all know how that turns out.
My body feels light, and I'm sweating so much.
Wait- am I falling?   Wait..
What's that strange light..?
I'm so c- cold..
Where am I..?
I open my eyes too see snow, lots of snow. In fact, snow was everywhere.
I looked around in a panic.
'The hell!? Why do I feel so weird..? Wait.. I have paws?? What am I???'
I examined myself even more, black paws, skinny but broad shoulders and arms. Whiskers, a black nose with pink spots. A skinny tail with a pink tufted end and a pink stripe down my back.
'So I'm a cat..'
I never was a believer in reincarnation or crap like that, but this.. okay.. this is happening..
I took a few steps only to realize that the snow was about a foot deep.
'Eep!- how am I gonna walk through this??'
I took yet another step while thinking this and plummeted into the snow.
My fur bristled and I shivered, at least it's not as cold as it would be if I didn't have fur.

I hear he's crunching and realized it was probably someone walking in the snow.
I ran around in panic for a moment before looking in the direction of the sound and spotting a boy.
This boy has dark magenta and black hair with the same colored eyes and strange earrings. He was wearing a teal and black checkered coat and carrying a basket of Charcoal on his back.
'That must be heavy-' I thought to myself before looking up again to see the boys eyes looking back at me curiously.
"It's a cat..?" The boy spoke in a calm and light tone, I knew he was young. Perhaps no younger than 13..
"Hey cat!" His eyes closed in a closed wide smile.
I opened my mouth and sputtered a few mews.
He chuckled and examined me before his eyes glimmered.
"You kind of look like me! Say, wanna come along?" I mewed again in response, nodding my head.
The boy was right, the pink on my body was the exact same color of his eyes and hair.
In my train of thought I didn't notice he had lifted me of the ground and put me on top of the coal.
A small purr left my throat when I laid down, the coal was warm for some reason.

We entered a town, reaching the bottom of the mountain we were on and the boy handed out coal. From that, I learned that the boys name was Tanjiro. 'Such a pretty name..' I thought to myself.
We were walking up the mountain, the sun was setting and we reached a house. A man opened the door and spoke something about demons, I couldn't hear what he said exactly though and I fell asleep.
After that, we headed back to where his house is. Tanjiro spoke about his family on our way back. He seemed to be on great terms with his family..
'Not me..' I thought to myself, I looked down sadly remembering my father and mother breathing me with a flip flop when I ever spoke. Luckily cps took me away and I never came back. I got adopted by a single woman who loved me so much, and I couldn't be more grateful.
My thoughts were interrupted yet again with a gasp of fear from Tanjiro, I looked to him. His expression was one of fear and worry. I looked forward to his house and I as well gasped inwardly.
Dead people. There was so much blood, then a terrible smell hit my nostrils and I quivered. My nose scrunched up in disgust.
"What.. happened..?" Tanjiro said.
He was shaking and I soon realized I was too.
I jumped off of him and ran to the girl covered in blood holding a little boy face planted into the ground in front of the door.
I averted my eyes from the inside and focused on the girl.
"NEZUKO!" He shouted, tears forming in his eyes.
Tanjiro ran to the girl and picked her up.
"She's still warm.. NEZUKO! Wake up!"
I ran up to him and licked Nezukos hand, the blood tasted fowl and I hissed my displeasure.
He got up holding nezuko I jumped on his head to comfort him, he started running down the mountain.
Halfway down I heard growling and looked up. Nezuko.. was growling?
Her eyes were slits, and her teeth were sharp as nails.
"Nezuko! What happened??" Tanjiro shouted, tears falling from his eyes.
"Nezuko! You can fight this! Come on!"
I soon noticed nezuko was trying to bite tanjiro-
"Please!!" He choked on a sob, holding  Nezuko back.
I hopped off his head in an instant noticing Nezuko start to cry.
'She doesn't want to hurt him..'
I heard footsteps running behind me and a man wearing a strange kimono slashed at Nezuko with a sword and Tanjiro knocked me off the edge of the cliff we were standing on.
We all tumbled down, I looked up and shook my head. The world was spinning but I could make out one thing.
Nezuko was being held with a knife to her neck.

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