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"You going to be okay today?" Derek asks Addy as he pulls into the schools parking lot.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Addy says not looking at Derek. He didn't think that she was fine, she had dark bags under her eyes almost like she didn't sleep and she was paler than normal.

"Can you keep an eye on Isaac today?" Derek asks hoping that if he have her something to do then it will keep herself out of her head.

"Is he not adjusting well?" Addy asks turning to Derek. He gives his sister a small smile and shakes his head.

"No he is, but still just keep an eye on him okay?" Derek says not wanting to worry her with the fact that Isaacs dad was killed by something, Derek had no clue what, last night.

Addy nods her head and says goodbye to her brother before getting out of his car, and walks towards the lacrosse field where she knew Isaac would be. Allison had already beat Addy there and Addy gave her best friend a small smile.

Addy sat on the bleachers next to Allison and her eyes fell onto jersey number fourteen, she smile slightly to herself happy to know Isaac was doing okay.

"You okay?" Allison asks.

Addy nods her head, her eyes never leaving the field. Allison couldn't help but be worried for her friend, she knew there was something off but she didn't know what.

On the side lines of the field Stiles and Scott were talking to one another. Scott looked back and waved to Allison and Addy, both in turn waving back to him. Stiles glances back and makes eye contact with Addy and quickly turned back around.

"I think you really need to talk to her." Scott says making Stiles frown.

"What's there to talk about? She was working for Peter, lied to us, and got Lydia almost murdered." Stiles says. Scott sighs shaking his head, he knew about Allison's and Addys plan, Allison told him about it a week or so ago. How Addy didn't really have a choice and had to do what Peter asked or he would kill Stiles. So the two played along with their crazy relatives and at the end tried to stop them. Scott wishes Stiles would just talk to Addy and hear her out instead of being upset she didn't tell him what was happening.

"There's more to it." Scott mumbles not knowing if Stiles had heard him or not.

Coach blows his whistle and all the players line up, what confused Addy was that Scott was placed as goalie which made no sense since it was normally Danny who was goalie. Allison and Addy look at each other confused before watching the field.

Addy watched multiple players get shoved to the ground from Scott and she stood up nervously as Isaac got closer to his turn. She could see him breathing heavily and she but her cheek nervously.

"Breath." She whispers gently trying to get Isaac to calm down but it wasn't really working. When it was Isaacs turn she brought her nails to her mouth biting them nervously as Isaac starting running towards the goal.

Scott did the same thing he's been doing with everyone else, but when he collided with Isaac both of them fell down. Addy was going to go intervine but stopped when she saw Stiles dad walking onto the field with a few deputies.

She watched as they talked to Isaac and started to walk towards the squad cars with him, what broke her heart most was the scared look that Isaac gave her when he looked back at her. All she did was nod her head at him before he turned back around.

Allison and Addy quickly move to the field and Addy started to panic. Tonight was a full moon and if Isaac was getting arrested that means he'll be in a cell on his first full moon. Addy balled her fists up digging her claws into her hands trying to calm herself down.

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