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Addy watched as Danny sat down next to Stiles annoyed and she went back to her lab hoping to get more done so Danny could copy more off of her.

"Who is that?"

"Oh that's my cousin... Miguel." Stiles says and Addy couldn't help but snort gaining Danny's attention.

"Really? Him and Addy kinda look alike." Danny says unsure looking between the two Hales.

"Huh odd, almost like we are related." Addy says under her breath this time making Derek snort under his breath.

"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny asks concerned. Addy glances up to see that their was blood on Derek's shirt and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at his stupidity to walk around covered in blood.

"He gets horrible nose bleeds, Miguel get a new shirt." Stiles says. Addy didn't have to look back up to see that her brother was glaring at Stiles, she couldn't sense the tension perfectly clear.

Derek got up and took off his shirt and walks to Stiles dresser to get a new shirt. Derek knew that Danny was watching him and he only hoped it helped with persuading Danny more to help Stiles.

"Stiles? This no fit." Derek says annoyed. Addy had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing when Derek chose a blue and orange collared shirt.
She didn't pay attention to what Derek ended up choosing but when she heard Stiles make a comment to Danny she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"You still play ball but you swing for a different team don't you Danny boy?" Stiles whispers.

"You're a horrible person." Danny grumbles and Addy threw a pen at Stiles's head making him turn to her offended.

"Stop being a dick." She mouths to him. Stiles grumbles under his breath and turns back around to his laptop with Danny. They had started working on tracking the text while Derek grabbed a text book and pretended to read and Addy worked on her lab report.

"No that can't be right." Stiles says gaining the two werewolves attention.

"That's where the text came from.
Can I go now?" Danny asks. Stiles nods his head and Danny stands up walking over to Addy. She holds out her almost complete lab report and Danny takes it with a thankful smile.

"I'll give it back to you tomorrow morning, I'll complete yours for you." Danny says before leaving Stiles room. Addy and Derek rushed over to the laptop their eyes widening when they read the name on the computer screen.

Melissa McCall

"No fucking way."


Scott jumped down from the roof of Allison's home and he grabbed his bike but stopped when he heard Chris Argents voice.

"Scott, why don't you come inside and wait." Chris says. Scott sighs and nods his head knowing that he didn't have an option to say no.

Scott had followed Chris Argent inside his home and they made their way to the living room. Chris motioned for Scott to sit down and he did on their couch while Chris stayed standing.

"How do you know Derek Hale?" Chris asks Scott shocking the sixteen year old.

"I don't." Scott lies looking at Chris.

"You don't?" Chris asks raising an eyebrow questioning Scott's statement.

"I'm friends with his sister, Addy, but that's it." Scott rambles quickly starting to feel nervous being in this home.

"Allison said that she's seen you two talking, not very smart talking to an alleged murder."

"I'm not the only one who knows him, why are you making it seem like I've done something wrong?" Scott asks frustrated.

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