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Addy hummed slightly to herself as she started putting all her make up onto her vanity. She told Peter that he wasn't allowed at the loft if he wanted his plan to go well, so she knew her and Allison would be safe.

"No offense this place is creepy."

Addy turns smiling at Allison who started putting her stuff down onto Addys bed. Allison looked around Addys room shocked about how much it was; she had a sliding door to her room and what looked like to be a walk in closet, there was also a large window that had a view of Beacon Hills. Everything was also very clean and put together, nothing had been out of place.

"We plan to fix it up more once everything settles." Addy says to Allison as she starts working on her makeup. Allison follows Addys lead and sits next to her doing the same.

"Are you nervous, for tonight?" Allison asks and Addy shakes her head. Addy was lying to herself, she was nervous and scared but she had to put a brave face on if she wanted everything to work out.

"Are you?" Addy asks quietly.

"A little." Allison admits.

The two girls kept getting ready for the formal and smiles at each other when their final looks were put together. Addy couldn't help but huh Allison tightly, the Argent doing the same.

"Are you really trusting Kate with your life?" Addy whispers pulling away from the hug.

"No, but you'll be there the entire time. And I trust you."


When they got to the dance Allison pulled Addy towards Lydia who was waving frantically to them. Lydia hugged Addy and Addy smiled at her friend commenting how beautiful she was. The music was blasting in the gym and the blue lights and winter decorations actually made it seem like a winter wonderland was possible in California.

"Addy turn around." Lydia says gently and Addy turns seeing Stiles standing behind her with a small smile on his face.

"You own a suit?" Addy asks gently and Stiles walks closer to her looking down at her with a small smile.

"You look beautiful." Stiles says making Addy blush.

"Aren't you supposed to be saying that to your date?" Addy asks glancing up at Stiles.

"She gave me a big lecture on the drive here. She knows." Stiles says gently resting a hand on Addys waist. Addy glances back at Allison and Lydia who were silently scolding her to move to the dance floor with Stiles. Addy couldn't help but smile at them and turn back to Stiles, only her smile fell when she saw the concerned look on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" Addy asks worried how his mood changed so suddenly. Stiles quickly shook his head and moved his hand from her waist to grab her hand.

"Nothing, it can wait. Let's go dance." Stiles says pulling her to the dance floor. Addys laughs lightly as the two dance together, Lydia joined soon with a lacrosse player, and Allison and Jackson joined as well. The group laughing and having a good time dancing .

"McCall i see you!"

Addy and Stiles look at each other watching as Scott runs from the bleachers and I go the crowd, Coach yells chasing after him pushing past people to find him. Stiles pulls Addy close as Coach paste them both of them laughing lightly at the scene. Their laughs became louder after Coach found Scott dancing with Danny making Coach get uncomfortable.

Addy hides her face in Stiles neck laughing as he hides his face on the top of her head so that they wouldn't get judged by other people. Addy was the first to pull away and she smiles up at Stiles as he smiled down at her.

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