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Addy helped Isaac walk up the stairs to the loft knowing he was exhausted from him first transition. She found him sleeping on the couch after Stiles had dropped her off back at the loft after a very awkward and silent car ride.

"You can sleep in my room until we get a bed for one of our empty rooms." Addy says gently to Isaac and all he did was nod his head.

"You okay?" She asks and Isaac nods his head. The two walked into Addys room, Isaac was to tired to look around.

"Feel free to make yourself at home, I'll be downstairs if you need anything alright?" Addy asks grabbing one of her spare blankets from the closet.

"Don't leave," Isaac asks and Addy nods her head.

Isaac laid in her bed under the covers while Addy sat on the edge of her bed taking one of Isaacs hands into hers giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I hurt you tonight." Isaac whispers. Addy just gave him a small smile.

"You didn't mean it, you didn't have control." She whispers gently but Isaac still felt guilty.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Isaac asks her.

"Because we are friends, now stop asking so many questions and go to sleep. You need to rest."

Isaac listens and closes his eyes, once Addy knew he was fully asleep she stood up and once again grabbed the spare blanket and walked down to the living room.

Derek was standing by the windows looking out at Beacon Hills while Addy dropped her blanket onto the couch.

"I don't want you dating him." Derek says turning towards Addy and she only gave him a side glance.

"I'm not going to date him." She says quickly not liking that Derek was bossing her around.

"Addy I saw the way you were with him tonight." She scoffs looking at Derek.

"What did you want me to do Derek? Leave him all alone while he suffered through his first transition? He's my friend, he's apart of this pack now too so I am going to do everything I can to help him just like I helped Scott. I'm not an asshole." Addy says. Derek shook his head lightly.

"You're still not allowed to date him." Derek says sternly.

"You can't tell me who I can and can't date, you're not my dad." Addy sasses but instantly regretted it when she saw pain flash through Dereks eyes.

"Der im sorry." Addy apologizes. Derek just nods his head. He walks over and kisses her forehead mumbling a goodnight before walking to his room for the night.

"Fuck." Addy whispers guilt filling her chest as she got comfortable on the couch for the night.


The next day all three werewolves had slept in, and the only reason Addy woke up was because of Lydia.

"What!" She growls into the phone.

"Well good morning to you too."

A sigh escapes her lips and she stretches out her limbs hoping they wouldn't be so stiff today.

"What do you want?" She groans.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Why do you think? I slept in." Addy confesses and she could only picture Lydia pursing her lips and nodding her head.

"Todays my first day back, what am I supposed to do without you?"

"You'll have Allison, you're going to do great Lydia."

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