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Jennie enjoys reading. She has a collection of books right under her bed. Nobody actually knows how much she loves it. It's one hobby that she keeps only to herself. Reading is like an escape for her. It takes her mind off from the current reality and transports her into somewhere else. So if reading is supposed to distract her, why is she stuck on the same lines over and over again from the book that she's holding?

Oh yeah, that's right. Because of Lisa.

Ever since their anniversary, Jennie can't help but notice every single thing about her. It's not even something bad. At this point, she doesn't see Lisa as her younger, annoying little sister anymore. Lisa has also been extra touchy (as opposed to how touchy Lisa is before) around her; always holding her hand, always kissing her cheeks, and always hugging her. Jennie didn't mind it before, but why is it affecting her this much now?

Is it because of the three magic little words?

She closes the book and abandons any pretense to read. Jennie looks around to find something else to do. The three of them are on their respective schedules today and it's her time to rest. She spots Jisoo's Nintendo Switch and decides on which game she'll play.

By the time Jennie finishes the whole game plot, it's already late in the afternoon.

"Unnie?" Lisa makes her way into the living room and instantly spots Jennie. "Have you been playing all the time?"

"Lili?" Jennie questions, her heartbeat picking up speed at the sound of Lisa's voice. She turns off the game and faces the Thai. "What are you doing here? Where are Jisoo-unnie and Chaeng-ah?"

"Oh. I've finished the shoot early so I went straight home," Lisa drops the plastic bag on their dining table. "Did you have dinner yet?"

Jennie grins sheepishly. "I actually forgot to have lunch."

"Aigoo, Nini," Lisa scolds. "What were you doing the whole day that made you forget about lunch? Weren't you hungry?"

Thinking of you.


Fuck. Did she really say that out loud?

"I was reading a book and then I found Jisoo-unnie's game," Jennie clears her throat and stands up. "Why?"

"I bought take out," Lisa answers. She takes off the food from the bags and sets it on the table. "Come sit here and eat."

Lisa goes to one of their cabinets and comes back with a bottle of wine. She pops it open and pours Jennie a generous glass.

"Has Jisoo-unnie made you an alcoholic?" Jennie snickers. She takes a sip of the beverage and starts eating the plate Lisa prepared for her. The Thai sits beside Jennie and instantly drops a kiss to her forehead.

What is she doing to me? Why does she have to be this close?

"Food's good if you're hungry," Lisa smiles. "But take it easy. Your stomach might get surprised at how you're only filling it now instead of earlier."

"I thought you wanted me to eat," Jennie raises a questioning eyebrow at her, mouth still full of unchewed food.

"I do," Lisa teases. "I just don't want to hear you complain from the bathroom."


"I'm kidding."

Lisa clears their plates after Jennie's done and drops them off at the sink. "Go sit on the couch and bring the wine!" She calls out to Jennie as she starts washing the dishes.

"I can't believe you're doing chores. Jisoo and Chaeyoung would be proud," Jennie laughs all the way to their living room. She drops the wine and their glasses on the table and sits down. Lisa joins her momentarily and sits beside her.

Now it's not a surprise when Lisa becomes all cuddly. It's normal. She does it with Chaeyoung and even Jisoo, who usually skittles far away from their youngest. Jennie is used to it too, until today. She feels like she can't breathe around her. Lisa makes her out of breath and her heart beats a little faster.

Lisa loops their arms together and opens their TV. "Wanna watch some movies? I heard they put some good ones on Netflix just last week."

"You can pick," Jennie croaks out. Her throat dries up instantly as Lisa starts to rub her hands up and down Jennie's own arms. Jennie was feeling like cold ice, and unfortunately for her, Lisa notices.

"You're cold, Jenjen. Do you want the blanket?" Lisa asks her. She holds up her hand to Jennie's forehead. "Are you sick or something? Wait- why are you turning red, Unnie?"

Jennie mumbles a quiet ' I'm okay ' while Lisa tucks her inside the blanket. "Now you're a human burrito. Ehe."

Jennie slowly untangles her arm from the blanket and reaches for the wine.

"What genre are we watching, Nini?" Lisa reaches for the remote and scrolls through the home page, but Jennie just quietly sips her wine. "They have action, horror, adventure, oh-" The Thai exclaims as she presses the play button. "Romance! They have 'The Notebook' now. Perfect for the wine, don't you think?"

Lisa plays the film but Jennie doesn't pay attention to it. The words come off as a soft lull. Jennie can't understand. She was fine before. The question is, when did she really feel like this? And more importantly, how is she going to suppress how she feels without getting caught by the Thai?

Was it something Lisa did? Was it something they both did? Was it the way she hugs her? The way Lisa looks at her longer with those eyes? Regardless of everything, it all points down to one culprit: Lalisa Manoban. Ever since she knows about this, Jennie comes up with a plan.

She is going to have to subtly avoid Lisa on purpose accidentally.

Yes. Perfect. Now how to do it?

Jennie was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that she fell asleep all throughout the movie. The wine really did a number on her. The next time she regains her consciousness, she hears muffled sounds.

"-sure that Jennie cleaned it."

"No, Jisoo-unnie. I did! I washed the dishes and all. You can ask her when she wakes up. I swear!"

That's probably Jisoo and Lisa talking. Jennie is too tired to open her eyes and stand up to go back to her room so she decides that she's going back to sleep. In her opinion, their couch could pass as a bed, anyway.

"I'm home!"

"Shhh-" more whispers.

"-Quiet! Jennie is sleeping-"

"Just very whipped for your-"

"Chaeng-ah, I swear to god if you don't keep your mouth shut-"

"Why are you two whispering in the hallway?" Jisoo's voice enters the conversation and Jennie is very confused as to what Chaeyoung and Lisa are talking about. "Go to your rooms! We have a tight schedule tomorrow."

"Should we wake Jennie-unnie up?" Jennie hears Chaeyoung speak.

"I'll take care of it," Lisa answers. "You guys all go to bed."

Jennie suddenly feels herself being carried by two strong arms. How and why is she always being picked up by Lisa? Jennie can lie all she wants, but nothing can ever hide the fact that out of the three of them, it's only with Lisa that she feels safe and protected. She may have no idea why she feels like this around her yet, but she'll have the answers to it in the future.

Their close proximity makes her smell Lisa's perfume. Jennie involuntarily snuggles close to her and decides that she'll execute her plan next time. 

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AO3: olympuswitch

TWT: NiniManoban7

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