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A/N: Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine. You've ruined my life, by not being mine.

They don't talk about it. God, they didn't even mention it the day after.

It's not even because they are avoiding the subject or whatever excuse they have. They just... decide it's not worthy to be talked about. Jennie is still confused or maybe in denial, and Lisa's presence still has the same effect on her. After all, Jennie only said she'll let these feelings consume her, but she didn't say anything about acting on it, did she? And doesn't Lisa always tell her those three words? Jennie's sure it doesn't mean anything beyond friendship.

Really. She is.

Lisa continues being her same bubbly self and Jennie is still in her poker face. Everything seems good. They both seem normal. Nobody seems to be different. That's only until Jisoo decides it isn't and proceeds to bombard Jennie with questions.

"Jendeuk," she starts, her voice mellow but etched with suspicion. "Do you want to go out and have lunch with me? My treat."

Here's where Jisoo goes wrong because Jennie doesn't remember a time where she offered to pay for food. Unless of course, the older one wants something from her.

"What is it that you truly desire?" Jennie jokingly asks her, quoting a Lucifer line. Everyone is busy packing their things. They're all moving to another location to create some sort of team-building (which, Jennie thinks is a little unnecessary considering they've lived together for almost 7 years) because they're going on a tour. Jisoo and Chaeyoung's idea, but Jennie guesses they just missed hanging out with the four of them.

"Oh come on!" Jisoo laughs. "Can't I be a good Unnie for once and treat you?"

"Chu, let's be real," Jennie spins around to face her. "You never bring us out to eat and pay with your money. It's either the card that sajangnim gave us, or Chaeyoung's bet money."

"I heard my name," Chaeyoung singsongs as she wheels herself into the living room. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Jisoo-Unnie wants to take me out for lunch," Jennie says slowly.

"What's wrong with that, Unnie?"

"She said she'll pay," Jennie deadpans.

Chaeyoung's eyes widen. "Jinja? That's never happened before- Ouch!"

Jennie laughs as their oldest pinches Chaeyoung's arm. "I thought you're on my side!"

"But Unnie!" She watches in amusement as Jisoo proceeds to chase their resident Aussie around the living room. "It's very rare to hear that you'll pay!"

They both disappear in the kitchen, so Jennie continues her packing. When she is about to close her luggage, the two instantly pop right beside her.

"Unnie," Chaeyoung says gently, as if Jennie needs some coaxing. "I'm really hungry, so would you like to go out on a date with me and Jisoo-unnie?"

Jennie squints her eyes at her other two members. Something must have been discussed in the kitchen while she was earshot. "What's this about?"

Jisoo flicks her forehead. "I want food. Simple," Jisoo grumbles in English. "Chaeyoungie, order takeout. Let's just stay at home."

Jennie shrugs and finally accepts the fact that maybe they really just want to spend time with her. She actually feels bad about making a big deal out of this, but decides she'll mention it to them in a while. She rolls their luggages aside and clears the living room table because knowing Chaeyoung, she'll want to sit here where she's comfortable digging in her food. Jennie looks at her two bantering members and thinks that maybe, yeah, they just want to spend time with each other especially with the upcoming busy months.

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