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A/N: Lemon, Tequila, and salt, anyone?

It's late when they get back to their dorms and Jennie is beyond exhausted. Being in a sea of people expecting you to be prim and proper is tiring. She just wants to take the fastest shower and sleep.

After her night routine, she goes to her room and kills the lights off.

Jennie wakes up in the middle of the night because of her bladder. She hates how it often happens to her, but today she's extra grateful for it.

She spots Lisa lounging on the foot of the couch. Her knees curl up her chest and her head duck down. Jennie remembers their talk a while ago, and realizes that she forgot to confront their youngest about what was bothering her. She instantly feels guilty the closer she approaches Lisa.

"Lisa?" Jennie nudges her slightly. "What are you doing on the floor? It's cold. You might get sick."

Lisa doesn't look up, nor bothers to move. "Why are you up?" Lisa's voice is thick, heavy, and sad. Jennie's heart breaks a little hearing her favorite voice like this.

"Were you crying?" Jennie asks as she sits down on the couch. "Come here, Lili," Jennie coaxes.

Lisa sighs loudly and Jennie waits. She worries about the Thai. Lisa's never been like this before as far as she's aware. The silence between them is deafening, but Jennie doesn't push further. It's dark and Jennie can only hear soft cricket noises from outside.

She waits a little bit more until Lisa stands up and sits on the couch beside Jennie. She faces the Thai and holds out her hand for her to take. "Do you want me to play with your hair?" Jennie offers. This is one of the few things that she knows will calm Lisa down. On their training days, whenever they would have evaluations, Lisa would knock on her door the night before. She and Jennie would talk about random things until Lisa gets tired and would lay her head on her lap. Jennie would tangle her fingers through Lisa's hair as she talks about her home in Thailand and the family she has. Jennie would hum and nod and laugh at her stories until Lisa falls asleep.


Lisa lies down on her lap, just like how she always does when she's anxious. Jennie starts her ministrations and it visibly relaxes her best friend. It wasn't until later that Lisa started speaking.

"You know that feeling of uncertainty? Where you hate how you don't know what is going to happen but you kind of have to deal with it because you have no choice?" She says, and Jennie nods in understanding. "It's like, being trapped in an empty space with nothing but your thoughts."

Lisa reaches over and takes one of Jennie's hands. She keeps it on her right cheek as Jennie's other one continues on her hair. "I hate overthinking things, Jen. It makes me anxious and scared of my own thoughts."

"Can you tell me more about your thoughts?"

"You won't like them," Lisa murmurs, and Jennie hates how insecure she sounds.

"Just, to whatever you trust me with," Jennie offers, she leans down and lingers a kiss on their youngest's forehead. "You can trust me."

"I know," Lisa looks at her, her expression unreadable. "I'm scared of what will happen to us."


"Yeah. After the concerts in Japan, what's going to happen?" Lisa probes. "I know that we still have something to do because it's only been two years, and we're all young. I know there are a lot of things planned for us by the management, but I just-" she inhales sharply. "-wish that they would tell us, you know? This is our career we're talking about and we have more photo shoots than we have performances. I'm scared that we might not be able to hit our full potential."

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