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A/N: The Sobriety. ;)

Jennie wakes up to a glass of water along with tylenol sitting on top of the side drawer. She sits up and takes the medicine to cure her headache. She scans her surroundings and gets a little confused when she is met by the view of Lisa's apartment.

Wait- Lisa's apartment? How in the hell did she end up here?

Jennie sneaks outside the room and is immediately greeted by Lisa's cats. She gives them each a pat on the head and continues her way to the kitchen.

"Lili?" Jennie calls out, but it seems like no one is at home. She glances at the clock in Lisa's living room and realizes how late she has woken up. Jennie finds a sticky note on Lisa's refrigerator.


I have errands today. Mostly work related. Please cook yourself food and eat. Hydrate as well. The cats already ate their lunch. I'll take care of their dinner. If you decide to go, just lock the door. You know my password.


Jennie picks it up and decides that she's going to stay in Lisa's apartment for a while up until she gets home. She's going to have that much awaited talk with her. This time, Jennie's not going to shy away from Lisa. She's determined to get this right and correct her mistakes.

But first, she has to make a call.

Jisoo picks up on the first ring and Jennie just knows that she interrupted their oldest playing games. " What? "

"What happened last night?" Jennie asks her immediately. "I just woke up from Lisa's bed and I have absolutely no idea why I got here. I don't remember a single thing, Unnie. I just know that we're together with Rosie."

Jennie hears laughter from the other line and Jennie wishes she could reach over the phone so she can strangle her best friend.

" What's the last thing you remember? " Jisoo asks her, her voice teasing.

"You and Chaeyoung finishing the goddamn slides," Jennie hisses. She sits down on Lisa's comfortable L-shaped couch and places her hand on her head. "I know I drank rum but it's just one glass!"

"One glass? " Jisoo repeats. " Jennie, you were already slurring by the end of the presentation and Chaeyoung finds you holding up a half empty bottle. It wasn't one glass. You got distracted by the slides, and consumed half of it. "

"Why didn't you stop me?" Jennie whines. It's unusual for her to drink a lot but she guesses that the slides really tormented her and the alcohol helped her cope up. "God, what did I do?"

" Actually, we don't know what happened next because Lisa came over at the dorm to drop Chaeyoung some stuff- "

"Lisa dropped off at the dorm yesterday?!" Jennie practically shouts. She feels so embarrassed that Lisa saw her in that condition.

" Well, yeah. How do you explain how you ended up there? " Jisoo continues. " As I was saying, Lisa came over, dropped some stuff, and asked if you guys could talk. You said yes-"

"I said yes?!"

"-and she asked you if you could come with her to her apartment. You said yes again and that's it."

"Did you at least tell Lisa I had a drink or two?" Jennie asks. She bites her lip anxiously as she waits for Jisoo's answer.

"Well- "

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