Chapter 28: Grocery Store

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Jaime's POV

I need to get over all of this, the Louise stuff. She's gone, she's pregnant, it isn't mine. She doesn't want me so why should I keep obsessing over her? She doesn't care about me. Louise might even want me dead. I don't know how to get over this whole love thing. I've never fell this hard before. Maybe if I forget the color of her eyes it will be easier. I need to forget the bright blue color and how I could get lost in them like a sailor at sea. Shes probably already forgotten mine so I should forget hers.

I remove my briefs and jump into the shower. My hair sticks to my forehead the second it is under the water. I run my hands through my now soaked hair. I sigh and start to wash myself off under the luke warm water, wishing I could feel anything but pain.


I put on my vans and grabbed my keys. I'm all out of food and well, everything. Might as well make this a grocery shopping day. I wish I didn't have to go alone though. I hate going places alone. It is one of my pet peeves sort of. I grab my wallet and walk out of the door. I get in the car and start playing Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana. I sing along loudly, hoping it will get things off my mind.



I got a new complaint

I try to hit Kurts notes but his voice is too, well, amazing. Plus I can't go that deep.

I pull up to the grocery store and shut off the car. I jump out and start walking into the store when I hear loud screaming. Oh shit. I keep my cool because I don't want to be rude and run off. Fangirls are crazy but somehow I love them so much. The girl with bright purple hair and a septum runs up to me.

"Hi" She is like hyperventilating and it's kind of cute.

"Mae!" A woman comes running up to her.

I stare at the woman, who I am guessing is her sister. Her hair is somewhat of a pin up style and she also has a septum. Her eyes are a hazel color. She has big gages that suit her. Her hair is very colorful and she looks around 25 years old. She is absolutely stunning. The tattoos on her arm fit her look and she is more gorgeous with them. Who is she?

"Damnit Mae don't scare the poor guy off" She laughs and her british accent is adorable.

"Sorry" Mae giggles with a dark blush over her cheeks.

Mae is beautiful as well but she seems very, very young. Like 17 years old young. Her eyes are a darker brown color and she is definitely a Pierce The Veil fan. I can tell from her fangirling, her shirt, and the fact that she is blushing right now. I chuckle and smile at them. She also has a british accent.

"Nice to meet you Mae and..." I trial off and wait for the other woman to tell me her name.

"Emily" Her accent is so cute.

"Mae and Emily" I put an emphasis on Emily by accident. Woops.

"I love you" Mae randomly says causing me to laugh.

"I love you too" I smile at her.

"Can you tell Tony, Vic, and Mike I love them too for me?" She tears up and I want to dance strangely but that would probably scare her away.

"Would you like to meet them?" Why not? It won't hurt anything. I kind of want to see Emily more too.

Mae's mouth hangs open and Emily stares at me like I just set the world on fire. I smile and Mae starts jumbling up words. Emily elbows her in the shoulder but Mae stays as still as a rock. I may have just made her day, no, made her life.

"Asdfghjkl" Her words don't come out clear at all and I start getting reallt confused.

"Of course she would" Emily sighs and starts laughing.

"Oh" The tears well up in Mae's eyes. "My" She looks like she is going to sob. "God!" She screams before beginning to bawl her eyes out into my chest.

"Oh uh" Emily goes to move her but I shake my head and wrap my arms around the poor fangirl.

"Mae!" I say like a small child. "Don't cry" I comfort her the best I can.

"I'm sorry" She moves away from me.

While she rubs her eyes, I start dancing like the freak I am. I lift one leg up, put my hand on the back of my head, and try to get them to touch without actually trying. Then I do The Sprinkler and Emily starts laughing. I then start, as Spongebob would say, bringing it around town. Thats when they both start laighing there asses off and I feel successful for stopping Mae from crying.

"Oh my God if you keep dancing I'm going to start laughing like a freaking donkey" Emily holds in her breath the keep from laughing.

I keep going anyway except I get worse. I do the comical Disco Dance, moving my index finger from my hip to above my head diagonally but I also start shaking my hips to add a stranger effect. Then I move into what I call the Double Dutch. I squat down slightly, swing my arms in a circle, and move my knees in and out. Very strange and I finally got Emily to do her weird laugh even though it wasn't that weird.

"You're a douche" Emily tries to stop herself but she can't.

"A hot douche" Mae whispers, not meaning for me to hear but I do.

"I am freaking hot fire" I wip my head around in circles and Mae blushes.

Emily finally catches her breath and quites laughing, "You're lucky you're cute or I would have punched you in the gut."

"Ooo feisty. I like it" I rub my hands together.

"Only you..." Mae shakes her head at us.

I stare at the both of them as we become awkwardly quiet. Then Mae starts hugging me again and thanks me for helping her. Emily mouths a "thank you" to me as well.

"Sorry you probably have to shop" Mae lets go of me.

"How about after I take you guys to meet the rest of the band?" I offer.

"Oh my God Y-" Mae begins but Emily cuts her off.

"We can't tonight we have plans remember" Emily reminds Mae and Mae looks suddenly sad. "But is tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah how about we meet at..." I think of a place. "Does the beach sound okay?"

"Yeah" Emily smiles at me. Damn she's pretty.

"How about around three ish?" I wait for them to answer.

"Sounds perfect" She nods.

"Oh my" Mae looks like she is about to faint.

"I'll see you guys later then" I wave and slowly walk away.

"Bye" The skip off together and I laugh.

I walk into the store and I don't think about Louise the entire time. I only think of Emily....


So I finally got emilyg56 into the story!!!!! If anyone wants to play Mae just ask.


This Love Was Out Of Control // Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now