Chapter 9: Fake Relationship

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Nicole's POV

We run down the hallway and see Jaime in a waiting chair. I start to run over to him but Louise runs faster then me. She jumps into his arms and kisses him. I see the tears start to fall from their eyes. I stop where I am and stare.

"Are you okay?" She asks, holding his face.

"I'm fine" He kisses her.

"What the..." I shake away the thought of yelling at them for keeping this from me.

I see Tony down the hall. I run over to him. Stephanie comes up from behind me. Some fans stopped her outside. She didn't want to stop but she did. She goes to kiss Tony. I stop again. I am so lonely.

I see Mike. I walk over to him, just in case. No one interupts our hug. I hold him close, feeling my heart race from the fear of any of them being hurt.

"How did it happen?" I ask, still holding onto him.

"The bus went into a tunnel that was too short. It ripped off the top. It set some stuff on fire. Our driver got out and freaked when he saw the fire. He lost control and we flipped over" Mike doesn't let me go. "It was scary. I held on to the latch by the counter. But I thought I was going to let go"

"Oh God" This is one of the longest hugs ever, but he needs it. Hell, I need it too.

"Luckily none of us were hurt badly. Vic just hit his neck pretty hard. He might not be able to talk for a few weeks. That's what the doctor said anyway. The rest of us only have a few cuts" He lets go of me and shows me one on his hip.

"Are you guys going to be able to finish the tour?" I question, biting my lip.

"If Vic can't sing then no" Mike sighs. "The worst part is, it just started. We played one show"

"Im sorry Mikey" I hug him again.

A doctor comes out with papers. I think hes coming to us. I am wrong though. He walks right past us and to another family who were bawling their eyes out.

"Im sorry" The doctor says, monotoned. "She didn't make it"

They start crying harder and louder. I feel my heart fall. Those poor people. I remember when I got that news, after my mother died when I was fifteen. She started to hang out with one of her friends more. Her friend was a drug addict and a alchoholic. They went to someone's house that night. She overdosed on cocaine. My father hasn't been the same since. I don't even want to think about it.

I notice the tears flowing down my face. I suck it up and wipe them off. I turn to Mike as he sighs. He sits down and pats the seat next to him. I sit next to him and lean on him. A nurse walks up to us. He smiles and reaches out to shake our hands.

"Hi, I'm Finch. I'm your brothers nurse. He is in the ICU right now. He hit his neck pretty hard. Only family can visit" He says.

I look at Mike. I need to see Vic. He's like a brother to me. I've told him everything. Even Louise doesn't know everything. My hands start shaking but Mike gives me a look that says I will figure it out.

"Can we see him now? I'm his brother and she's..." He thinks for a moment. "She's my wife"

Well thats one way to get me in there.

"Okay, right this way" We stand up and follow Finch.

I look back quickly to everyone else to see they were caught up with each other. I bite my lip and turn back around. I catch up to Mike and the nurse. We go down a few narrow hallways. This place is like a labyrinth. How do they do this?

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