Chapter 8: Accident

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A/N Thats Louise in the pic btw. Okay continue on lovelies.

Tony's POV

"Hey it's Steph, leave a message" Her voice mail says for the third time.

I groan and put my phone down. I put my head in my hands, sighing loudly. Why isn't she answering her phone? It's almost noon. She should answer. I hope she isn't-

Of course she wouldnt, you love her, she loves you.

Right. Love. Yeah.

I walk to the bunk area to go lay down. I stop when something catches my eye from Jamie's bunk. I step over to it, noticing the picture. Its of Jaime and Nicole. They looked like they were teenagers. They were in bathing suits, playing in sprinkler. Nicole hair is blonde in the picture and she is still covered in freckles. They are messing around, smiling like fools.

Then, I see another photo. It's of Jaime and a girl. She has a section of her hair where it goes from light blue, dark blue, purple, and then pink. The rest is brown. Her eyes are a light brownish green color. He is kissing her nose, making her smile.

I hear someone's throat clear behind me. I jump and turn around. I put a hand over my heart when I realize it's Jaime. I laugh as he notices the picture I'm holding. I hand him the photo. He looks at it and smiles widely, making his dimples cave in more. I smirk and he nervously coughs, setting the photo back down.

"Who is she?" I ask, leaning against the bunk.

"A friend" He lies and glances back down at the photo.

"Mhm, and who is this friend?" I question and cross my arms over my chest.

"Just the most perfect and beautiful person ever" He stares at the photo with a twinkle in his eyes. He is so love struck.

"Her name?" I grin with a chuckle.

"Um, you will find out one day" He exits the room quickly.

I follow him, just to piss him off. I find it funny when he tries to hide things. He never hides them for very long though. But I can tell this has been going on a while.

My goes off from the front of the bus. I hear the guys chuckling. I rush in therre and see them on my phone.

"Who texted me?" I dare to ask instead of getting my phone back.

"Nicole" They tease.

I roll my eyes and cross my chest, "I told you already, I do not have feelings for her"

"Mhm" They say in unison, the sarcasm lacing their voice.

I roll my eyes again, noticing it was becoming a habit this tour. I grab my phone back. I look through the conversation seeing that they texted her back.

Nicky Bear: Does Steph usually sleep so much?

"Me" (technically the guys): Only when I tap her hard ;).

"Oh. My. God" I stare at message.

They start dying of laughter. I flip them off. Vic falls off the couch, holding his stomach. I lightly kick his head which doesn't stop his laughter. I think they hate me.

Nicky Bear: OMG

Me: I'm so sorry! The guys sent that not me I swear -_-

"I'm going to kill you all and regret nothing" I growl and go back to the bunk area.

"You know, if you didn't like her you wouldn't care!" Mike shouts as I enter the back of the bus.

I don't care. I mean, I do but not what she thinks of me. What she thinks of Stephanie and I is what I care about. At least, I think that's what I care about.

Nicky Bear: you let them use your phone?

Me: oh hell no. I left it in the same room as them

Nicky Bear: well that was smart XD

Me: ikr XD

I lay down in my bunk and wait for her reply. I click my feet together in anticipation. Why am I so excited for a stupid text message? She's not Stephanie so I shouldn't be. The guys must be right. I like Nicole.

It's not right to like her though. She's not my girlfriend. Hell, I barely know her. I met her like twice before the interview. I don't know what it is I like about her though. She is absolutely beautiful but I don't know what she's like. How she is when you get close to her. She can't be bad considering she's Jamie's cousin but I still don't know her well.

Nicky Bear: My friend is asleep on me.

The message comes with a pictute of her friend laying on her. I recognize the girl. Then my mouth goes open. It's Jamie's girlfriend.

Me: Whats her name?!?!?!?

Okay that sounded eager. Really eager. Oh crap.

Nicky Bear: Umm... Louise why?

Me: just asking

I bolt up out of the bunk. I attempt to run into the front of bus but end up slipping right before because of my socks. I fall back hard and groan. The guys laugh and I flip them off again.

Vic, being the sort of kind guy he is, helps me up. I thank him and hold my throbbing ass. That hurt. A lot. Then I get back to the point. I go over to Jaime, smirking.

"What you smirking about?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I sit on his lap, "Does Louise ring a bell?"

His eyes widen. He tries to find words to say but nothing comes out. I chuckle and stand up. Mike and Vic stare as me curiously. I shake my head. I make my way back to the bus. I get back into my bunk and check my phone to see if Nicole texted back.

Nicky Bear: Stephs awake now if you want to talk to her.

I sigh. I wanted to talk to her earlier but now I don't. I want to continue to talk to Nicole. She's honestly really fun to talk to, even though our conversation has only been around 10 minutes.

Me: okay have her call me

She doesn't text back after that, even though I wish she would. I sigh and wait for Stephanie to call me.

Nicole's POV

"Here's some money for the Starbucks. Can you get me a Mocha Frappechino?" Stephanie asks with a smile.

"Of course now go call your hubby" I lightly push her away, causing her to laugh. "Louise hurry up!"

"I'm coming calm the hell down!" She skips down the stairs.

I start to walk out the door once she gets to the bottom of the stair case. Then I hear screaming coming from the kitchen. I close the door and run in there as quick as I could.

"Stephanie" I run over to her, crying on the ground. "What's wrong, what happened?"

"I-I was on the phone with Tony and they, they" She lets out a sob. "They got into an accident"

This Love Was Out Of Control // Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now