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"IIda honey, please calm down and slow your talking down, because I can't understand a single word that your saying."

You could only chuckle as he was frantically swishing his arms around and yelling at the top of his lungs about the villain attack that happened a couple of days ago.  You laughed at his overdramatic behavior and could only try to listen as you light a candle to calm him down.

"It was absolutely massive, it reminded me of a large woman, but it was huge! How could you not be going crazy if you had seen that thing that was killing a villain right infront of our eyes."

You smiled and sat back down in your chair.

"Because I'm used to seeing it."

"Wait Ms.-"

The time rings cutting off the younger males words and you stop up.

"Two hours flew by didn't IIda, now you best get going to class now. I don't want to keep you any longer because of Mr. Aizawa."

He nodded his head and gathered his things.

"Thank you Ms. L/N for listening to me."

"Of course baby, that's what I'm here for."

His cheeks softly flushed a light pink and nodded his head as he left your office, and closing the door behind him. You sighed and fixed your jacket that hung on your arms.

| Outfit and continued hairstyle from last Chapter|

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| Outfit and continued hairstyle from last Chapter|

You yawned and stood up from your desk to stretch, then look at your clock. It was 1:45 pm.

"I need to get myself lunch."

You grabbed your purse, leaving the room to be bumped into a hard and muscular chest.

"O I'm sorry Y/n"

You look up and see a bandaged up All Might.

"Oh its okay Toshi baby, how are you feeling?"

His face grew pink and cleared his throat.

"I'm well, nothing an old kiss kiss from Recovery Girl can't do."

You both chuckle and begin to walk with each other.

"Where are you headed?'

"I'm heading out to eat lunch actually, care to join me?"

"I'd like that since I've been eating the food that Recovery Girl has been giving me."

"Was that bad Toshi?"

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