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"So yes mama, we had a fantastic afternoon lunch, talked about work, villains, and some other outside of work topics which went really great."

"I'm glad honey you had a good lunch and is this man, the number 1 hero you've told me about and we've been seein' on the news?"

"Yes Mama"

"He got some age on him I know that."

My mom laughed and I could scoff then adding on by rolling my eyes.

"Same goes for you mom, dad was older than you."

"So it must run in the family, don't it huh?"

We both laughed out in humor and she gotten up to make herself some herbal tea.

"So mama, since we're since on the topic about men, by any chance you may have been talking with someone?"

She chuckled and sat back down at the kitchen table.

"Well honey, I'm going to be honest. I did meet someone when I was out getting coffee since I wanted to give myself a date with myself, then this young yet cute young man came up to me. Politely asked he if could sit with me and sparked up a conversation. It was a little weird to me because why would this young man come up to me and wanted to chat, but after a while we kept talkin', laughin', and the gigglin'. Honey, he got me giggling like a school girl who just got asked out on a first date by her crush."

"Aww, that's sweet ma."

"But that's not just all, he asked me for my number and we've been in conntact ever since. But honey, he has a heart of gold and he's so sweet."

I smile and rest my chin on my hand as I listen to her talk about the guy she met and their date is coming up in a few days. Turns out he's 28 years old, he finished graduate school and is in the retail business with a dream of having his own. He's quirkless, but doesn't let that hold him back. She even showed me a picture of him and her together. He was very tall, lean, had a cute mustache an beard that was coming in, shoulder length hair, and had lightly tanned skin. He was cute with handsome features, both of our favorites were his heart shaped lips and beauty mark that was under left eye and the tip of his nose.

I could only smile and tears began to fill my eyes, catching my mom off guard.

"Honey, why you crying."

"Because I'm happy for you, you've been alone for so long and you deserve the most even though dad isn't here on this earth anymore, but we still feel his presence. I'm just glad that your finding love and deep happiness again ma, you deserve it."

You look and see your mom cry, wiping the tears that kept falling down her face.

"Thank you baby, you don't know how much that meant to me when you say that."

We both smile and get ourselves together before continuing our hours long video chat, I let her go after a while and I clean up the house an office space. Hearing your phone ring and you quickly rush over to pick it up.

Toshi was calling.


"H-Hey...um Y/n"

"Hi Toshi, what do I owe this pleasure of you calling me?"

"Well you've been on my mind since we've had out little unexpected date, but I greatly enjoyed it and I was thinking i-if it was okay with you if I can a-ask you out today?"

You smile and bite your lip as you listen to the stuttering older male that was wanting anxiously on the other end of the phone.

"I'd love to, but what would we be doing on this date?"

"U-Um... I honestly didn't think that far."

He lets out a soft chuckle and you could only smile.

"You thought I'd say no?"

"I...kinda did."

"Toshi-baby, I wouldn't say no to you big 'ol softie like you. But let me get dressed and I'll text you my address so you can pick me up?"

"That sounds perfect, I'll see you in a little while Y/n."

"I'll see you then."

The phone comes to an end and you get yourself ready for your date, looking through your closet thinking of what kind of outfit you want to wear.

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| Outfit, Hairstyle, and Makeup |

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| Outfit, Hairstyle, and Makeup |

You looked at yourself in the mirror and sprayed on your favorite perfume/cologne of your choice. Leaving out of your room and looking at your phone seeing that Toshi has message that he was outside of your building. Grabbing your purse and keys as you locked your apartment behind you. Waving at the doorman as he waved back with a sweet smile, and greeted with Toshi. He was in a plain white shirt, dark green pants, and some boots. You both smiled at each other and you walked up to him. He bent down to give you a hug and you gladly accepted by giving one back.

Both pulling away, but he slide his large hands down to your hips and gripping them in his hand. He smiled down at you and having his blonde hair fall down past his face.

"You look cute y/n"

You smile and rubbed your hand along his hard chest.

"I could say the same for you Toshi-baby."

He blushed shyly at the nickname and smiled, having you laugh.

"Let's get going."

He nods and his hand never leaves you hip as he leads you to his car. Opening the door for you and helping you in, before getting into the driver side. Getting in and driving out of the parking lot, on to the road.

"So, what is you plan?"

"We'll I thought, if maybe we walk around and try out the night street that come. I've never really been, but t-that's if you like to come with me"

You smile and chuckle.

"I'd love to go and I like to eat because food is my best friend."

He shyly smiles and nods as he looks at the road, the drive was quiet but comfortable. Toshi built up the courage to place one of his hands on your thick thigh, softly gripping it as his other hand stayed on the steering wheel. You could only smile as you bit you lip looking out the window of the car.

This won't be a bad date after all.

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