Chapter 8 | Cuteness

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Narrator's pov

Both youngsters are On in an ignoring contest. Trying their best not to spare even a glance at each other, not that they don't want to talk but there is something called ego and self-respect in everybody's soul. And that card is what playing here.

Inaya after being yelled by her one and only boy best friend she feels hurt just like when mother yells you shrug it off but when Dad is the one scolding tears will be pooling of girl's eyes that is the case here for Inaya.

Zaarib is someone who only teases her and takes her tantrum he is not the one who gets upset with her. So this is something new for her

On other side Zaarib is cursing on his fate, he swears his jaw will break if he keeps on throwing fake smiles. From the past half an hour he is fiddling with his finger mentally preparing to talk to the girl who he just scolded for no apparent reason.

Eventhough what she did, did not make him feel good but she has more good reasons to share it with her friends than his, cause he was the one who dragged her into his shit.

He regrets opening his mouth but when He opens his mouth to speak he soon zips when nothing comes.

Nervous is an understatement.

How he wish everything was normal, they both fighting with each other over the cookies, he fiddling with her fingers while both watching Netflix. Perfect. That's what he wants now. But things do not happen as we wish, do they?

He so wants to throw his expensive suit from his body and jump into his nightsuit and cuddle with his fluffy pillow, he just wants to run away from this cruel world. And live his life the way he wants to.

Taking a peek at the girl who is looking down her lap while fiddling with her ring, guilt rushes through his veins when he feels her being upset.

The way they are ignoring each other without hiding the fact that they are ignoring is only making people curious and some enemies laugh at their childishness.

But Zaarib does not give a shit about what people think. If he is not feeling like talking to her or in correct words not having the guts to talk to her. He is gonna ignore her presence without caring what the people thinks.

Yup, he is like that.

An hour later.....

Zaarib was nowhere to be seen in Inaya's eyes maybe hanging out with his friends or maybe filling his stomach again, who knows.

She is now sitting in her previous room all worn out, hands itching to take those heavy jewelry off her neck and ears.

Scrolling down her Instagram page she sees her engagement venue in many people's story. Her cousins tagging her and Zaarib and congratulating them is only making her throw up but she still replies with a 'thank you' to not look disrespectful.

Few people casually writing how shocked they are to see, the two humans who act like they are rivals are getting engaged.

They could have said her in personal message but they love to show their chats to their followers, Inaya was being careful in replying respectful, didn't want to spit out any truth.

Scoffing when she sees Zaarib replying to one of their cousin who is so into social media 'Bro, opposite attracts ever heard about that?' With lots and lots of laughing emojis her eyes rolls back at his audacity.

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