Chapter 18 | Feelings

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I look at the girl who is pulling her lower lips between her teeth out of nervousness or maybe hunger?

She secretly takes a peek at me but quickly lowers her head when sees me glaring at her. "May I know the reason for you skipping your lunch and dinner" my voice coming out stern but calm.

She like a very stubborn brat subtly shakes her head, which did not go unnoticed by me.

"Inaya" I call out the girl who breathes out still not leaving my hand as if it was her stress booster since she is toying my fingers.

"Inaya" I again call the girl losing all my patience at once...she has already faced the worst because of skipping her food and now she is doing the same and just the thought of seeing her in those hospital rooms, laid in those pale beds scares me.

When she completely ignores me, I lose my sanity.

"Inaya I am not taking this shit, if someone is asking you a question they expect an answer in return. Now look up and tell me why the hell did you skip your meals?" Even when I am scolding I can feel the brat rolling her eyes at my statement. If she thinks I am acting like an old cold teacher then she is wrong. I am hell worried and I seriously get scared when she does not eat properly.

Because that's what she did years ago.

"Don't yell at's all your fault" she mumbles still looking down her lap "I was not yelling Inaya and how are you skipping meals, is my fault?" I raise my eyebrow, furrowed up in confusion "It is" she again mumbles, will she ever speak properly?!

"Inaya look at me" she does not do as said and I only sigh at her stubbornness getting irritated and upset, but soon aunty brings her food and places it in front of her.

I pull my hand away from her's and stand on my legs, Inaya's head snaps towards me but I Ignore her since she likes to do that, let's give her what she likes.

"Mama I have some work to do so I am leaving early" I lie so I can leave this place, I don't have any work to do, I thought of taking a leave today so I can hangout with Inaya who was telling me how bored she is in this home all alone. I guess I need to cancel all the plans now.

I can feel Inaya looking at me but I ignore her and smile at mom who looks hesitant and dad who has a look of worry.

"Take care well" I speak while looking at mom but everyone knows whom I am referring it to.

She nods but peeks at Inaya whose eyes are still on me. When I asked her to look at me she ignored my words like a stubborn brat and now she is not blinking her eyes...this girl is seriously too much and I know how to handle this too much girl.

I let out a breathe while walking away towards my bedroom to get change and freshen up so I can leave.

Inaya's pov

I close my eyes shut when the front door was shut close by Zaarib, I shove the spoon in my mouth while ignoring the physical impact occurring in my chest.

I swallow the food while chewing it twice, I can feel both old couples eyes on me but I remain unaffected when my heart is clenching with hurt and was crying with pain at his sudden rudeness.

I eat in silence not even enjoying the taste of the food but forcing myself to swallow everything so I do not faint again.

I stir my food but quickly wipe away the tear which escaped my eyes. I am not going to think about him, he is a rude bastard, I hate him.

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