Chapter 37 | Love

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"Zaarib! Stop! Please I can't" Inaya screams in pain while grabbing me by my T-shirt but I keep my gently massage on her sprained leg on—ignoring her cries which is really difficult.

Breathing out I pause my action but see her covering her face in her palms while crying in pain quietly.

I bring my hand up to gently caress her tense thighs, "Relax sweetheart" I let out in a whisper hating myself for putting her under this condition.

She doesn't stop crying, not sure if it's still from pain or because of me not listening to her since past five minutes.

The doctor clearly warned me to do as she did when Inaya was unconscious but now when she is conscious the pain is unbearable I guess.

Wiping my hand in the wet towel I brought, I move towards her to remove her hand from her face, "Inaya" hovering over her I press a kiss against the back of her hand, she doesn't move an inch clearly telling me she is very very upset.

Holding her wrist I pull her hand away from her face, to fall upon a wet red face Inaya whose being a mess now, I move forward to grab the tissues from the nightstand but she squirm under me pushing me away and I had to hold a tight grip on her wrist to stop her movement, even though I need to be as patient as I could I give her glare which slowly stops her movements but her lips wobble before she sobs turning her face away from me.

I know she looks like an adorable kid but through what she had gone through and from the way I am pampering her and all of a sudden if I am not listening to her cries she is gonna throw lots of tantrums which If I don't take their wouldn't be a jerk in the world like me.

Holding both of her wrist in one hand I move forward again to grab the tissue before wiping and damping her face gently, she squirm and cringes when I wipe her nose and I couldn't hold back a chuckle at how cute she looks, I lean forward to press a kiss on her lips but she turns her face quickly which makes me kiss her cheek. Smiling against her skin I press gentle kisses where she has given me right to do.

"I am sorry, it was important to apply the ointment and do as the doctor asked or your sprain will only increase sweetheart" I didn't even do 10% of what the doctor did to Inaya when she was unconscious, yet here she is so so angry on me.

Leaving her wrist I cup her face so she is looking at me, "I am sorry" I whisper and she squints her eyes clearly melting against my sweet action but tries her best to still act cold hearted.

"Don't do that again" she warns me as if telling me if I accept this then maybe she will let me sleep in bed today, clearing my throat I lick my lips not answering cause that's not possible.

She stares at me for a moment and then automatically her eyes glistens "Zaarib please It hurts!" she whines clearly not liking the treatment I am giving her "but that is for your own good sweetheart" I explain but she shakes her head not at all in the state of taking any sensible words.

"The doctor said me to keep moving your leg for at least 15 minutes—" she gasps shaking her head with clear shock evident on her face "yes, but I hardly touched you for more than 5 minutes sweetheart" caressing her cheek I tell her the obvious.

"No! Your not doing it again! Not today at least please!" She yells pushing me away but I do not move "okay calm down stop screaming" I couldn't help but glare at her for being so loud.

"You denied my kisses so maybe I think I shouldn't go on with what the doctor said" I tease her innocently and she gasps shaking her head clearly regretting on turning her face. I was about to sit up when she holds my T-shirt in a tight grip shaking her head, and when I see tears again building her eyes I feel like shit for teasing her, I am such a monster at times.

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