Chapter 12 | Motherly love

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Zaarib's pov

I breath in and out to calm myself and look all cool as I take slow steps towards aunty's room with a mind set of having a serious talk with her.

Not gonna mess up this time.

Yes, I decided to tell her everything. I know she will yell at me or even beat me but I don't care. I can't see Inaya crying like that just because of me. If I don't speak up the truth now then I don't know what will happen later. I may also die with guilt for dragging her into my mess.

I fiddle with the door knob but mentally ask Allah to be by my side when she beats me.

I lick my lips nervously before knocking on the door like a decent and respectful boy I am. Didn't want to invade her privacy so I wait for her to call me out.

I here her soft voice asking me to come in so without thinking further I open the door and poke my head to see her seated on the bed while folding a bundle of clothes which I suppose belongs to her and uncle.

She gives me her best smile before patting the place in front of her asking me to come in and sit. I rub my sweaty palms in my pants before walking towards her and taking a seat infront of her.

"It looks like it's gonna rain" she looks outside the window to see clouds hovering the sky and I so want to take a snap when I see the perfect weather. I would have done if this situation and my mind was not so messed up "yeah" I let out in a whisper with a nod.

"Aunty?" I call the women who is neatly pressing the short top which I think belongs to Inaya. Not that she wears short top so it's obvious it's her daughter's.

"yes" she nudges me to continue so I clear my throat before dragging myself towards the hell. Don't know how much yells and rage I am gonna take today.

"Aunty... I want you to listen to what I am gonna tell now please don't yell at me without listening to everything" I gulp but look as nervous as hell, this looks more difficult than showing our failed Rank card to our parents.

She let's out a confused "okay" but nevertheless nods "Um Inaya and I...." I take a deep breath before spitting out everything .

Allah save me.

"Its about us, actually we both are not into any kind of relationship. I--I was messed up when mamma asked me to marry that girl even after denying so many times she did not listen to me, so I asked Inaya to pretend to be my girlfriend but I didn't know we will end up getting married because of a simple lie. It is not Inaya's fault she denied it many times but I couldn't think of anything else in that situation. I am sorry aunty for dragging Inaya in to this, it's all my fault you can slap me, beat me I won't stop you but please don't be mad at me for creating this mess. I know this was a stupid and a childish behavior and I shouldn't give any excuses to defend myself and I am not gonna defend my mistake you can give me any punishment you want and I-I" I let out in a breath but close my eyes shut waiting for a hard slap to land on my face. I did not complete my sentence since I didn't know what to say or how to say.

I know I messed up big this time and I am sure she won't talk to me for days for dragging her daughter into my fucked up life. Not gonna say a "uff' if she grounds me or insults me in front of everyone. I give her all the rights to do so and more than that to.

She is just like a mother to me maybe more than a mother, I love her just as much as I love my mother. She is like a friend, I tease and play with her and she never complains nor gets annoyed. She is the best.

And if I hide this lie from her, I am sure I won't have a peaceful sleep.

My hands curled up into a fist and I can feel my eyes getting teary just at the thought of her being distant towards me after knowing the truth. I let out a gasp when she cups my face in her soft cold palm, my eyes snap opening on it's own, only to witness a smiling women, her eyes glistening as she is looking at me with, love and care?

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