Chapter Twenty

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Ok so, I want to start off this chapter with a big thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted on my story, you guys are insane in the space of 2 days I went from having 70 reads to now being at over 900! That's insane and not only that but you guys go this small, mess of a book to number 2 in #yoonseok and #tophoseok while also getting to number 1 in #bottomyoongi

I can't thank you all enough its insane and I hope you enjoy my story and it's not too disappointing or poorly written. Thank you so much!

Now let got onto Chapter Twenty!




It was official Yoongi was now bawling his eyes out, he was overwhelmed. Hoseok wrapped his arms around his back and pulled him into his chest. Yoongi's head buried in Hoseok's shirt small, muffled sobs coming from his lips.

They stayed like that until Hoseok noticed Yoongi's beathing slow down and his body go limp. Lifting the boy up Hoseok lay him down on the sofa and stood up to cover him with a blanket. He bent down and placed a quick peck on Yoongi's head before quietly heading to his room careful not to wake the boy on the couch.


Hoseok woke up the next morning and sauntered out of his bedroom still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a loose white tank top.

As he moved further into the room his eyes fell on a particular beautiful boy who was still sound asleep on his couch. The blanket had fallen off during the night and his face was pressed against an arm of the couch causing his cheeks to look all smooshy and adorable. His legs were raised into his chest and his arms were shoved between his thighs. Hoseok cooed at the sight.

Hoseok Pov

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Hoseok Pov

He looked so peaceful and at rest, he looked breath-taking, I almost can't believe someone as amazing as Min Yoongi is chose to show me his biggest secret, he chose to share his identity with me, and he chose to trust me with his insecurities.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face when I looked at him.

I walked over to the couch where he was still fast asleep and knelt down next to his face and huge smile across my face. I could hear his small steady breaths which only made me smile wider. It baffles me how someone can be this beautiful doing something as simple as sleeping.

Directing my gaze away from the sleeping boy my eyes land on the blanket on the floor. Reaching for it I pull it back over his body. I watch as a small smile plays on his lips and he hums slightly as he shifts in his sleep.

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