Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hoseok had finished up with the photographers making sure the shots were good enough and picking his favourites, trying not to look to biased and choosing too many of Yoongi's photos. Failing slightly and making one of them his lock screen.

He was now on his way back, assuming that Yoongi was probably waiting for him so they could go home. He was just about to get hi the car when his phone buzzed. Pulling out the device from his pocket he saw a text from Jimin.

'I decided to take Yoongi for some food, he looked hungry. Don't worry I won't steal him for too long. I'll drop him back at yours when were done.'

Hoseok re-read the message twice before he really took it in. He smiled reading it, it made him happy that Yoongi was getting on with his friends. But he could help be feel a little disappointed when he realised, he wouldn't see Yoongi as soon as he hoped he would.

He got in his car, deciding to go straight home, he didn't really care about collecting his clothes. The only reason he was heading back there was for Yoongi.

Walking into his apartment Hoseok flopped down on the couch heaving out an exhausted sigh. Although for some reason he didn't feel as relaxed as hoped. The room was silent and the couch was comfortable so he didn't understand his inability to relax.

Huffing he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. Looking at his screen it dawned on him. The apartment was missing something, it was too quiet, too empty. It felt different than it normally did.

Yoongi, it was missing Yoongi. Well, more like he was missing Yoongi. The smaller male had been staying with Hoseok for a few weeks now and Hoseok realised he had gotten quite fond of having Yoongi around all the time, so much so that in his absence his apartment just didn't feel as homey as normal.

Hoseok realised that Yoongi was what made his house, home.

And all Hoseok could do now was wait. Wait for Yoongi to get back.

Yoongi was sat in the chair at the hair salon. The stylist blasting his hair with the hair dryer before simply styling it. After finishing up she smiled at Yoongi brushing his shoulders to clear any hair that had fallen on the gown while she was trimming his hair.

Yoongi stood up before she could take out the mirror to show him his new hair and walked up to Jimin who was resting on the a nearby chair distracted by a magazine.

Clearing his throat Yoongi got Jimin's attention, his head flying upwards to look at the elder. His eyes widened when he saw the male in front of him.

"I knew blonde would suit you, you look good." Jimin said with a bright smile on his face before standing up to get a better look at the elders' new blonde head of hair.

"Hobi is going to be really surprised." Jimin added.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Yoongi asked slightly worried about how Hoseok would react, hoping he wouldn't hate it.

Jimin paid the stylist, much to Yoongi insisting he didn't have to. The two left the salon, getting into Jimin's car heading towards Hoseok's apartment.

Arriving at Hoseok's apartment, Yoongi said goodbye to Jimin and walked into the building and towards the elevator. He way shuffling nervously as the elevator doors closed and started rising to Hoseok's floor.

The door opened and the now blonde-haired male exited the metal box walking down the corridor to the front door of Hoseok's apartment. Taking a deep breath Yoongi quietly and anxiously opened the door with the key Hoseok had given him, trying to alert Hoseok that he was back just yet.

Inside the apartment Hoseok was sat on the couch with his laptop on his lap scrolling through the shots from today which the photographer had emailed him earlier. He was going through choosing everyone's best individual shot and planning out the social media release in a few days. He just had to finish up a couple more things before they were read for his followers to see.

He would have finished earlier if he hadn't spent a little too much time choosing which of Yoongi's photos to use for the release. Call him biased but they were all such good pictures and Yoongi looked beautiful in all of them.

He was so concentrated on what he was doing he hadn't heard the door open and Yoongi enter the room.

The elder had made his way to the back of the couch looking over Hoseok's shoulder at the laptop screen which just had the layouts of the upcoming posts.

Taking his attention away from the screen he looked over at the younger and his concentrated face. It was much more serious and stern than his normal bubbly and smiley expression that he loved so much but this was different honestly it was really attractive.

Slightly blushing Yoongi stood up straight and ran his fingers through his freshly dyed hair and breathed in quietly.

"Hobi~" Yoongi softly spoke not wanting to startle the younger, which definitely wasn't at all effective said male almost jumped out of his skin shrieking loudly.

Yoongi had to hold back a giggle at how the younger had reacted. Hoseok turned his head to scold the other but as he did his eyes widened and his jaw went slack leaving his mouth open like a goldfish. 

There stood Yoongi nervously playing with his hands and looking down to his feet as Hoseok just sat there with his head turned and a surprised expression

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There stood Yoongi nervously playing with his hands and looking down to his feet as Hoseok just sat there with his head turned and a surprised expression.

Yoongi had broken him.

Min Yoongi had broken him, his already adorable and squishy face only looked cuter with his new bright blonde hair. He didn't quite know how to react the sight had him lost for words at how unbelievably good Yoongi looked with blonde hair. He defiantly hadn't expected this sight when Yoongi came home.

But boy did he appreciate it. Managing to close his mouth and somewhat organise his thoughts Hoseok attempted to muster up a words. A string of incoherent mumbles and half executed sentences came from his lips as he attempted to speak. That were along the lines of "Wha-" "How-" etc.

shaking his head Hoseok breathed out.

"Jimin you little shit."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows looking at Hoseok confused. "D-do you not like it." Yoongi stuttered sounding upset.

Hoseok's eyes widened at Yoongi's tone as he flew up from his seat discarding his laptop to the side and made his way over to the shorter male.

Hoseok lifted Yoongi's chin connecting their eyes. "I absolutely LOVE it; you look so beautiful Marshmallow. Hoseok said smiling at the elder.

"really?" Yoongi questioned tentatively.

Hoseok nodded and smiled wide and the boy in front of him. "So, so, so gorgeous. Blonde really suits you" he said caressing Yoongi's cheek gently.

Yoongi blushed at the males' words smiling shyly.

"Now come here." Hoseok said opening his arms for the elder with a smile on his face.

Yoongi flung himself into Hoseok's chest wrapping his arms around the younger his cheek squished against his chest. Hoseok chuckled wrapping one arm around the smaller the other stroking his freshly dyed blonde hair with his fingers.

God did he adore this boy already...

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