Chapter Fifty

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Walking over the threshold of Hoseok's apartment into the familiar setting Yoongi felt at home.

Hoseok walked in behind him rolling his suitcase inside and closing the door.

Yoongi removed his shoes feeling Hoseok wrap his arms around his waist pulling him into a back hug and resting his chin on his shoulder.

He left a small peck on the back of Yoongi's neck before sighing contently. "It's good to have you back home. It was quiet here without you." Hoseok admitted.

"It's nice to be back." Yoongi smiled as he turned around in Hoseok's hold and leaving a quick peck on his boyfriend's lips making Hoseok grin.

"Now let me go, I'm all disgusting from travelling all day, I need a shower." Yoongi whined playfully pushing Hoseok away from him.

Successfully getting out of Hoseok's grasp Yoongi poked his tongue out at Hoseok before smiling a small giggle coming from his lips and running off down the hallway towards Hoseok's bedroom and into the bathroom closing the door.

Hoseok chuckled and shook his head at Yoongi's childish behaviour thinking it was cute. He was happy to see Yoongi so care free and genuinely happy he hoped he would always be like that.

Hoseok turned around picking up his suitcase and walking down the same hallway Yoongi had a few minutes ago. He walked into his bedroom and placed the case on his bed.

Unzipping the case, he heard the sound of the shower turn on from behind him. He smiled. It was nice to know the liveliness he had missed from his apartment was back. It didn't feel so quiet and empty anymore.

Taking out his clothes and sorting them into clean and dirty piles on his bed. He heard the click of the bathroom door from behind him. He didn't turn around not sure if Yoongi was dressed or not.

"H-Hobi?" He heard from behind him making him turn around to see Yoongi's head poking out from behind the door, his body hidden behind the door. His hair was dripping wet and stuck to his face.

"Yes Marshmallow?" Hoseok responded.

"Could I borrow some clothes please?" Yoongi asked shyly. He had lost all his bags earlier that week when he ran away from the paparazzi before getting swarmed by them and passing out.

Hoseok smiled nodding and walked to his wardrobe pulling out some old shorts and a shirt that were too small for him.

He walked over you Yoongi handing them to him. Yoongi smiled standing on his toes and pecked Hoseok's lips before closing the door in front of him.

Hoseok chuckled and started to put his clothes away back into his wardrobe and threw the dirty ones into the washing basket.

He proceeded to push his suitcase back under his bed. Just then the door of the bathroom opened as Yoongi walked into the room dressed in Hoseok's clothes which were still a bit big on him.

He had a towel in his hands attempting to dry his hair as he walked.

Hoseok walked up to Yoongi and stopped right in front of him gently taking to towel from his hands and proceeding to rub the towel over Yoongi's wet hair, drying it for him.

Yoongi blushed and averted his gaze from Hoseok who was concentrated on drying his hair.

When he was done, he stepped back. Yoongi's hair was still slightly damp but it was a big improvement from before.

Hoseok threw the towel into the washing basket. He climbed onto the bed and lay down closing his eyes. Yoongi awkwardly standing there in the centre of the room.

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