Chapter Forty- Two

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Hoseok woke up stretching his arms feeling along the other side of the bed expecting to feel Yoongi sleeping next to him. Only to be greeted with a cold empty side of the bed.

Hoseok frowned and opened his eyes. It was strange Yoongi was almost always the last to wake up and was always snuggled up next to Hoseok.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok called out thinking the male may have been in the bathroom or somewhere else around the house.

After getting no response, Hoseok started to panic slightly. Throwing the duvet cover off his body. Hearing the sound of something solid hitting the floor.

Walking to Yoongi's side of the bed Hoseok bent down to see what caused the sound.

Looking around he spotted Yoongi's phone resting on the floor face down.

Turning his head, he noticed the absence of Yoongi's bag and other belongings. All that was left was his phone.

A sudden clenching feeling formed in his chest and his throat went dry, his eyes glossy.

Taking hold of the phone on the floor, Hoseok turned it over seeing the lock screen. Which only made his chest hurt more.

It was a picture he hadn't seen before, one that Yoongi must have taken himself when he wasn't looking.

It was a picture of him and Yoongi on their first date dressed in their ridiculous outfits with a small-time stamp in the corner of the screen.

Hoseok just looked at the photo, eyes focused on one person in particular and it wasn't himself.

He lifted his other hand tracing the outline of Yoongi's face with his finger.

Moving his finger to the side the photo disappeared, Hoseok having unlocked Yoongi's phone. The elder not having a password on his phone.

The screen opened showing the last thing Yoongi had looked at before he closed his phone. Skimming over the words on the screen seeing that it was the comment section on one of his posts.

Yoongi's post.

Hoseok stopped on one particular comment his eyes going wide momentarily before narrowing into a burning glare.

His heart clenched at the thought of Yoongi having read these comments. The worst part being Hoseok knew he had believed them. Which only made his heart ache more.

He felt like he failed, he hadn't shown the male just how beautiful he was. Maybe he hadn't said it enough? Because what he had done it really hadn't worked.

The fact that he proposed the idea of using Yoongi as a model just made him feel worse. If he hadn't suggested it Yoongi would probably still next to him not god knows where.

Hoseok stood up, walking over to his wardrobe taking out a hoodie and throwing on a pair of pants and shoes before rushing out the room and calling the others to tell them about Yoongi's being missing. He would need all the help he could get if he was going to find him.


He slammed his laptop shut, tears in his eyes as he rested his face in his hands. Sobbing.

How had he been so foolish? Every day he had asked himself similar questions. And with each new question his heart broke even more.

What had he done...

Sung-ho had been radio silent for weeks. After his son had left all the memories of his wife resurfaced. He cried to himself over and over.

All these years without her had changed him and not in a good way. Looking back on the last 24 years of his life he kept thinking about how disappointed A-Yeong would be in him. In the way he treated her son. The one she sacrificed everything to protect.

His son... honestly, he didn't deserve that title. He hadn't ever acted like a father figure. He knew that looking back he was filled with regret.

And what was worse was the fact he knew he would never be forgiven. He himself didn't think he deserved that not after what he had done.

Now sat in his home office sobbing into his hands he had broken. For years he had pushed away the thoughts of his wife. Not wanting to face the reason she was gone. It wasn't anyone's fault she was gone but he couldn't see that then.

Today was a particular bad day for him. Today he saw it. He was reminded of the face of the woman he loved with everything he had. Only it wasn't her face it was the face of his son. His son that he didn't deserve. His son that looked so much like his mother it hurt.

A constant reminder of her. He had seen it as a curse, like he was being taunted by his own son reminding him that his wife was gone. But in reality, he should have cherished the small part of her that she left behind.

Yoongi... the name she chose. The boy he was supposed to care for but instead he shunned him and locked him away.

Seeing the photo of his son, the photo of that face he loved he broke down.

He wasn't angry anymore. Like he had been for years. In fact, seeing his son again, the real him finally unmasked and unhidden.

He smiled. Smiled. He was content that his son was now finally happy and free from him. He knew he had no right anymore to control him. Not that her ever had the right.

But seeing his son how he should have been all his life. Happy and free he vowed to himself he would never interfere with his life. Never again.

He would let him live how he wanted. And if he ever came back, he would make sure to hold him so tight and beg at his feet for forgiveness.

Because his son deserved that. Yoongi deserved that.


I'm sorry for how long I took to update. And for how short this chapter is but I had major writer block with this chapter. But I hope you enjoyed it!


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