Chapter Fifty-Six

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It was Monday, meaning milkshake Monday. Jimin had practically dragged everyone out of their houses. Claiming it was an important part of the week that has been neglect for far too long.

He may or may not have picked the lock to Hoseok's apartment and walked in on Hoseok and Yoongi kissing on the couch.

He didn't even fanboy, scream or anything he was that dead set on having milkshake Monday.

So, everyone was sat around in the group's usual booth only this time they had an extra addition. That being Yoongi. It was his first-ever time here so he was sat on Hoseok's lap as the booth only seated six.

They had all ordered their drinks and were just sat around chatting and catching up.

Earlier when Hoseok and Yoongi arrived at the milkshake parlour. Yoongi was engulfed in so many hugs, everyone saying they had missed him.

It felt nice for Yoongi to know that people other than Hoseok cared for him.

"Did you have to say WWH worldwide handsome when the guy asked your name? The poor guy had to write that on the side of the cup." Jimin exasperated.

"Well, I was taught never to lie." Jin replied before taking a sip of his drink looking Jimin directly in the eyes as he did.

"Namjoon, control your Jin" Jimin sighed making everyone else laugh.

The conversation ended up trailing off in another direction everyone participating. Everyone except Tae.

He was focused on the tv that was hung on the wall in the corner of the parlour, the volume was low and you could barely hear it.

He was watching the news; he had heard online that there was supposed to be some kind of big announcement or something happening today. No one had any idea what or who was going to show up.

His eyes widened when he saw who walked onto the stage, all cameras on him.

"Hey, Yoongi." He spoke still looking at the tv.


"Isn't that your dad?" Tae said gesturing over to the tv screen.

Everyone looked over at the screen.

"Hey turn that up!" Jimin said to the man behind the counter raising his voice slightly.

The man did as asked and raised the volume for the group who uttered a quick thanks before gluing their eyes back to the tv.

The screen was filled with the face of Mr Min who was dressed in a smart suit and clean-shaven. He looked a hell of a lot better than he had the other day at his house.

He stood in front of the crowd, masses of cameras pointed at him and microphones held in front of him.

"Good afternoon, everyone and thank you for coming." He said into the mic addressing the crowd.

Yoongi had his eyes glued to the screen while everyone else looked around at each other with worried looks.

Hoseok just held Yoongi a bit tighter and gently pressed his lips on Yoongi's head before looking back to the TV.

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for coming. I have something very important I want to say."

"Now over the last few weeks, you may have noticed my lack of media appearances and presence. And well I'd like to address why."

He took a deep breath and looked over the crowd.

"As you may know, I've always been very secretive towards my son." He started.

Everyone sat around the TV visibly stiffened. Yoongi more than others.

"Well over the last couple of weeks. I've had some time to look back at my life and my actions. Although I've achieved many impressive business feats. I came to realise that through pursuing such things I left others unaccounted for."

"My wife, God rest he soul, would never have supported the man I am today."

"And that is why... effective immediately I am stepping down as CEO of Min Corporation and handing over all shares and assets over to my son."

Everyone's eyes widened hearing the words Yoongi's father had just spoken. Yoongi was in disbelief. He didn't quite know what to do with himself.

Over the many years, he'd known his father his only concern had been his work. It was his life so why now was he just handing it over like nothing.

The crowd was roaring, everyone throwing questions towards Mr Min. People snapping pictures.

"I understand this is sudden, but being CEO has changed me, and I'm not quite sure I like who I've become and I'm sure my wife wouldn't. So, I made this decision with her and my son in mind."

"I intend to spend the rest of my life trying to be the man she married and the father my son deserves."

"Now, as much as I wish he was. Unfortunately, my son isn't here today to accept this title I'm passing down and, in all honesty, I'm not even sure if he wants it."

"So that brings me to my second announcement of the day."

The milkshake parlour was silent as everyone watched the screen intently as Mr Min took a deep breath.

"All work within The Min Corporation as of next week will be suspended and the company dissolved if my son decides not to accept my offer. I understand this may not be what he wants for his life and for once I'd like to give him a choice."

Mr Min finished off, bowing to the crowd, which was surging with questions, and walked off stage.

Yoongi just sat there speechless. Everyone around the table gave each other worried looks as Yoongi just sat in silence not speaking a single word.

Everyone else was surprised by the announcements but overall, they were worried about Yoongi they all knew how fragile he was and this was a big deal.

Hoseok on the other hand... he. He was MAD.

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