The Forests - Part 1

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Steve and Alex are walking together, keeping a fair distance. Steve was carrying an inventory filled with various ores. Alex had an arrangement of sticks and wood. They were heading to their houses.
It was sunset, heavy rain pouring on them.
"Hey Alex." Steve said.
"Yeah?" Alex replied.
Steve looked tired. "Can we switch our stuff? These ores are really heavy."
Alex put her things on the ground and took Steves things.
Steve picked up the wood and they carried (wink wink follow me for more bad puns) on.

Eventually, they found their way home.
"I'll see you at the mines." Steve said.
Alex nodded and went to her home.
Steve opened his door and put his things beside the doorway. He shut his door, making sure nothing or no one could get in.

(136 words not counting this.)

Steve X Alex // Minecraft ficWhere stories live. Discover now