Chapter 7 : Hidden Secrets Pt.1

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Lily p.o.v


Just No.

This is not happening, I' did not just see Harry Styles, The Harry Styles........... My Harry Styles.

Wow, I see him and run off like a little Ginny. I just can't, it hurts, the flashbacks, the memories, there are coming back, I tried to forget them, but you forget someone you love, if only he knew back then and now.

It's been 2 years, I can't let it go, I won't let it go.

That night, changed me, and my life.

Harry p.o.v

I'm running after her, I'm gonna make things right, fix them, fix us, if I can. I know what I did was wrong, I should be gone for it, but I'm not, and this might be my only chance.

God, I'm a dumb bastard. I need to stop this.

I got up out of my seat, and ran after her. I followed the head full of blonde, luscious hair. She stoped to take a breath, I kept running until I caught up to her, I'm gonna turn his around. (A/NI don't know what I'm writing now dafuq).

I grabbed her by her shoulder, and spun her around, and crashed my lips onto her.

She was shocked at first, and I was too.

Her lips melted into mine, her tongue dragged along my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I happily, accepted, our tongues, fought for dominaces, and I won.

Shamefully, you need oxygen to live, and we pulled away.

"Lily, I'm sorry, okay, I knew, I'm stupid, to do what I did, and leave, and I thought about it, I thought about you, when I came back, you we're gone, I knew I messed up, and I can't take it back, but I haven't even forgave myself, I want to fix it, fix us, I haven't been with anyone, since then, allmi ask is that you forgive me, and I want you to mean it, from your heart, I don't you to just forgive me so I will leave you, but I won't, I want you to forgive me, so I know, I still haven't chance with you, and your heart, and we can start over, and that you'll stay too, I won't leave, and if I have to go, I'll take you with me no matter, the consequences." After my long speech, I looked at Lily, I saw the tears streaming down her face. I wiped them away.

"Harry, I.....umm...I don't." I cut her short.

"It clear, I'm not forgiven, it's okay, I'll umm, see you around." I spoke.

I turned around, and started walking away.

"I forgive you, and from my heart, I won't leave, and if I do, I'll take you with me, no matter consequences, I want to give you a second chance, so.......................I will." Lily said, in a low tone.

I stopped in my tracks, I turned around to face her, walked up to her, and just hugged her.

"Thank you, so much, I won't mess up, this time, I promise, pinky promise!" I said excitedly, I held out my pinky.

"Pinky promise!" She smiled and attached her pinky, to mines.

"Well, ummm I need to get back to work, I get off in 20 minutes, you want to hang here, till I get off?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

We walked back, and I sat back at my booth, and ate my food I watched Lily, do her job, till her shift was up.

And in 20 minutes, we left, hand in hand, together.

Lily p.o.v

"So where are we going?" I asked casually.

"Back to my flat, so we can figure, everything out." He said , dragging me to his car.

The ride to his flat, was silent, we snuck glances of each other and smiled, I observed his features, his emerald eyes, the way the sun struck them, his cheeky checks, and when he smiled, his dimples, would come out, and make girls faint.

Even though, he is famous, I see him different. Those girls see him as a hot boy, with a good ass body, with fame and money. I see him, as a boy who got the dream that everyone wants, a normal boy, with a passion to sing, and does normal things, that any boy his age does.

I never realized I was staring at him.

Till I was snapped out of my phase.

"Lily, you want to take a picture, it will last longer." He laughed.

"Shut up, you cheeky bastard!" I exclaimed.

"Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Harry, responded then smiled.

"Are you really trying to quote?"I said.

"Now, not my thang, ok, we are here!" He said happily.

We got out the car, and walked into his flat, then we heard a bang.

"What was that?" I asked mysterious.

"Louis and this girl have been getting it on, since last night, so maybe them." He said closing the door.

"Shit, umm, why don't we go back outside, or hide or something!" I said hesitation.

"Why, what's wrong, babe?" He questioned.

Then Louis door flew up, to reveal Louis in sweats only, and Darcy, in a big t shirt, with sex hair, and a busted lip, with some damn hickies. My eyes grew wide, and so did hers when she saw me.

"Lily!?" She asked surprised. Taking a glance at me and harry interlocked fingers.

"Darcy!?" I questioned.


Author Note

I know this chapter sucks, I just wanted to give you something, since school starts tomorrow, and I'll be busy, brings grades up, and dance.

I know I haven't updated in Lon time, but I've been really sick, and just recently got over my cold.

This chapter is short and sucks, I'm working on the next chapter, and it's been hard writing cause, I was lost on what I wanted to write.

I can't reveal how Lily and harry know each oher Sorry!!!!!!

I'll try my hardest to update on fFriday or Saturday, I really will.

But remember to check out my 1D Dirty Imagines book, it's really good.

But I must go so, your dissmissed.

Swimming off


(P.S Happy new year's, and this is just part 1)




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