Chapter 1: A Thousand Tears

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Chapter 1: A Thousand Tears

2 years later

Darcy P.O.V

I'm sitting here in this brown chair handcuffs in a damn court room full of cameras and judge my family that bastard family and of course me. Gosh why me ,why you I have to be put in this situation I did nothing wrong, to myself I didn't it was self defense. To everyone else, I'm a killer.

a loud projecting voice snapped me out of my trance. 

"Darc, you okay"? my lawyer spoke.

"Ummm...Yeah I'm good just wanna get this over with already". I spoke softly

I really must have been in space.

"Don't worry just let me do, what I do, and remember, when you get up there to speak, keep your cool with you, please I'm asking you to stay calm."

I sighed loudly, loud enough for anyone to hear and slouched further down in my chair."Alright I'll stay calm." I stated sternly.

"In the case against Darcy Smith, will begin, presenting Judge Browner." Damn that man is loud he basically screamed over the whole court room.

"I here present the murder case of Bobby James against Darcy Smith, please state your evidence." The judge said he was fat, had brown hair, some nasty axx warts over his face and some type of burn on his arm....I wonder what it is??? Dun DUn Dun.......

Then the man against my plea for freedom, stood tall and proud, he was about 6'9, silky, smooth blonde hair, and a tooth pick body, his body was so skinny his clothes was about to fall off, hmm I wonder whats in his pants...;)...I  have a very dirty mind.

He gave me a deadly glare,declaring since the boy I killed was his nephew, but other ways I didn't mind one bit. I returned his glare, with a smirk.

"That woman sitting in that seat, is to take full responsibility for her actions and be sent to jail, for murdering such a charming,kind, young man Bobby James."

Those words sent shivers down my spine,like shocks.

"And what evidence do you have against the defendant, I may ask?"

Why if i knew any better I believed the judge was on my side,instead of his.....

"Here I have the murder weapon, with her sweat,fingerprints and hair follicles on it".

I saw the weapon, and all the memories from that nigh came flooding back into my head, the heated argument, the abuse, the murder and then the door. That 10 in. of metal shined in my eyes, with the dried blood.

"OK..take a seat, will the defendant come up and speak now"?

"Yes your honor."

"It's clear as day that Mr.James dearly abused this young woman, with pictures we have here, the scars still on her body and also the client will be happy to answer any questions you have now".

"Remove the handcuffs please."

My heart is pounding, I'm mostly saying to myself now that this could be my only chance to be a free little bird, like I wanted from the beginning.

"Ms.Smith do you mind showing us your bruises and answering a few questions?"

I look deep into the crowd, taking a glance at my M.i.l.f mother, crying her eyes out and my bib sister LiLy, who mouths to me "Free Little Bird". I shoot her a good look, but not a smile though.

"Ms.Smith, are you comfortable showing us your bruises and scars?' He asked me coldy.

"Yeah, sure" I stand up and remove myself from the box lifted up my shirt and to hear the crowd gasp and say "Dear Jesus".

The bruises were everywheremy back, hips, waist, neck, arms and the big one my stomach, that will never go away....I hate that one the most.

"Do you mind telling us about the scar on your stomach Ms.Smith?"

"Uhhhh....Alright." I sounded shakey.

"This happened 9 months ago, from today I was um. pregnant and I didn't want Bobby to know because, I knew his reaction. I figured once, my stomach got big, I would disappear and raise it on my own.....I could hear the tenderness in my own voice, as I continued to talk.

I toke about 6 pregnacy test and they all said "POSTIVE" i panicked and I made sure to dispose the test so he wouldnt find them, I then went for a walk to think about how i was gonna go witht he plan, and when I got back I saw Bobby sitting there with all 6 pregnacy test in his hand he looked angery, he had haterid wriiten all over his face. I asked him what was he doing with those, he threw them at me and asked me "what did they say" and I said postive and he then punched me across my face and told me to get an abortion or else.... I said No to him and he lost it he started punching and kicking me in my stomach until, I started coughing up blood and then he toe my pants off."

I stopped and toke a deep breath but, it came out shakey with tears rolling down my face like crazy down my bright pink cheecks.

"I..I.....then felt a sharp pain in my vagina and blacked out, when I woke up I was in a blood bath I felt weak and naked, I managed to get up and look around 'till I found a note and a box.

The note said:

Dear shone darcy,

                            I went out for a drink and a party with my friends at the club. Inside the box, you will find that ugly disgusting fetal shit, that was growing in that bad body of yours. I hope it teached you to listen to what I say, when I say, and stay on the fucking pills will yah, dumbshit.

From: Your one and only Bobby <3 :)

P.S Thanks for the good sex, I was great.

I opend the box, and instanstly ran, to the bathroom and threw up everything inside me. I couldn't believe he did that to me. I felt disgusted, violated, like a piece of crap. And knowing that i couldn't tell anyone made me feel even worse. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't do anything, but sit there crying in my arms and knees."

I was crying hsyterically, just reliazing, I told my family one of the most majors secert ever...They look disappointed, horrified they stared blank at me.

"So what did you do with the unvorn fetal?" That bastared said, simply.

He sounded as if he had no emotions, and was quite pleased this happened to me.


I then sprinted out of the court room , not looking back for a fast second.

I kept running, 'till I feel to my knees gasping for air, crying I just wanted to dye.

I just wanted to cry.

There is a reflection of pain in my eyes, as I fight back tears.

Trying to figure out why I had put up with it all of these years.

Innocence gone.

Just taken away.

Struggling to ..........Cry A Thousand Tears.

SO what did you guys think, comment vote and fan i really want to hear what you guys have to say. Means alot to me.

Love you lots

_Micki <3

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