What Do You Want To Know

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woop woop

 So I still need your comments on which couple to do, also I dont know when I will update again I gotta find a working comptuor dang I need a job




Harry got chased by a fish

Niall finially used a dish

And I Wish



My heart sunk, at the sight of the message.

She said...No

Just busting your knickers she said No really

L0L J/K again she said yes.

I got a date...I mean I got a lunch time with Sweet Good Looking Darcy.

Darcy and Louis Text Convo Continued

-Okay well I'll pick you up at say 2:15 P.M. of course.....WAIT I need your address. -TommoKing

-DumbSelf, 230 24th Oak Lane. =*) -I<3Me

-Thanks, well I'll sight of you tommorow ! xxx -TommoKing

-'Kay, You're one crazay bowl of soup Louou L0L xxx -I<3Me

My heart is beating, like I'm having a heart attack. Now I'm nervous, what am I going to wear?


What if she doesn't like me the way I like her?

Where am I even taking her to LUNCH ?????

All these thoughts entered my head and sleep, started to take me home. =*)

Darcy P.O.V

"Can you please stop screaming for one second, please."

I slapped her across her face, just like she did me,but a little harder though.

"Okay damn, I'm sorry but, this is to much info, for me right now." she said sadly

"Well, can we talk about this later and just get these questions over with."

"Alrighty, let's us go then." She had a big grin on her face.

We got out the car, and skipped into the police department.

"Can I help you?" The young police woman asked.

"Yes, please I'm here for questioning." I said sweetly.

"Name, Please?"

"Darcy Smith"

"Okay, Thank You, go left the 3rd on your right." she gave a pleasing smile. I returned the kind smile and me and Lily walked off.

We walked down the narrow hallway, to the 3rd door.

"Do I knock or something, like I never did this before, what the fuck do I do?" I said questionly

Lily gave me this dumbfounded look,

"Nah, just walk in!" Lily added sarcastilly.

"No, Shit Sherlock!, I never thought of that." I returned the sarcasm.

"Well you were the one looking retarded, like you aint.."

Then the door swung open and we saw a young man, looked 20 years of age, with a grey suite on, with a manatee tie. He had the most beautiful eyes I ever seen in my life. They were sky blue, with hazel they reminded me of the sunset on the beach. He was tall and fit, I wonder what kind of package he has downtown in chinatown, I'm guessing about...

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when the unknown man started speaking to us.

"Excuse me ma'm, are you Darcy Smith?" His voice was excruating sexy, he could melt me.

"Ummm....Yes, Yah, That's ahh me, Smith Darcy, Darcy Smith, I meant." I giggled hesitent.

"Okay, is she with you?" He asked

I was about to answer, until the asshole I call a sister pushed me out the way and started to speak.

"Why, yes I am, I'm her single big sister Lily." Lily sent him a wink.

He chuckled."Well come right in then !"

"Was that you to arguing out there?"

"Yeah, that was my single big sister Lily over here over, who started it." I gave her a funny look

She gave me a deadly glare, and pinched my thigh, as we toke our seats.

I kicked her ankle, she put a pained face on. I silently, evil laughed to myself.

"Well, that's okay, but to important matters, my name is Detective Mark Brown, I just wanto to ask a few questions."

"Alright, shoot" I said gestering to a smile.

"Do you know why you are here?"


"What happened during the trial, that made you run?"

"The questions, that bastard was asking me, was making me uncomfrotable." I said sternly.

"Do you know the "Bastards" name?"

"Nope." I said popping the 'P

"Do you want to know?"

"Hella No."


"I don't give a fuck, he can suck on carrots and die!" I said pissed off.

"Where did you run off to?"

"An Alley?"

"Did you bump into anyone?"

"Umm....No?." I said in a question form.

I didn't want him to know, I ran into Louis. I didn't want him in this situation. That was Lily and Me secert.

"Okay, well that's it, thank you for cooperation." He smiled sweetly.

"Your welcome, let's go Lily."

He shook my hand and slipped something in my hand too......

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