Just Give Me A Hug

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I checked my surrounding and noticed I was in a dark, cold alley. I could tell this alley was bad and dangerous, my life was bad and dangerous, so I didn't care. As hot and sunny it was outside there was no light within yards of this damn alley.

I heard some soft footsteps come my way I didn't even bother to lift my head or stop my lonely cries.

"Are you okay young one?' a soothing, calming voice asked me.

"No, I'm not I'm fucked up!" I said slurring my words.

"Well what's the matter, by the way my name is Louis Tomlinson, but you can call me Lou." He gave me a warm smile.

"Trust me you can't handle my problem, my name is Darcy Smith, by the way." I sniffled.

I don;t even know this guy but his name is so flacking familiar, if my mind was correct, I would know, well maybe least.

"Hit me with it." He sounded energetic.

He soon slung his arms around me.

I told him my story, how matter of fact I am in the middle of a trial right now, when I finished he din't seem bothered one bit. That left me quite a surpise.

After a few minutes of silence, he broke it giving me a hug and saying 'I'm so Sorry." That just bought more tears to my eyes, and his grip got tighter.

"If you want I can take you back to your trial and I'll give you my number, if you ever need anything, a friend, a ride whatever you name it, I got it." I grinned at him.

We only known each other for maybe an hour or .......four.  But to me, it feels like entirety. But, it's to soon to trust him, I don't know him, only his name. I may never be trust again after Bobby.

"Ummm...Sure, that will be great."

"Okay here is my number, 904-233-4202." He wrote it on my hand as I returned the favor.

He drove me to the court room.

"I'll text you later okay Louis."

"Alright remember too!!"

I slightly chuckle, putting a smile on my face. "I will bye, Lou."

I walk back into the huge court house and to my looking I'm surprised.

I sigh in relief, looking around in the court room, noticing nobody is in there. Empty

"Where the hell have you been?" I knew that voice from anywhere, it sounded cold in the moment.

"Just for a breather, I couldn't think straight."


"It's okay, so what happened after I ditched this bitch?" I said a little concerned.

"Well...ummm...They rescheduled the date of your new trial and umm... well wanna take you downtown for some questioned, about the reason you ran, out the trial."

"Are you serious a new trial and questions, it's not even that big of a deal!" I said loud.

"Yeah it's kinda is,let's just go, okay, faster we get there faster we get home alright." she said happily.

"Ughhhhh, Fine, you something you are a pretty good sister Lily, you know that right."

"Uh..Duh.. that's hwy I was born first." She said with a laugh, and a warm smile.

I love my sister, she is pretty much all I got, I don't really count on my family members that much, as you really think. Ever since, That night I pretty much cut everyone out of my life, except her, because I knew she would understand, but I still keep it a secert for a reason. My sister and I are just one year apart, we've done everything together we were inseparable. We were like twins, just didn't look alike. Through rough and soft, we had each others backs. Keeping this from Lily made me feel like a stranger, lying to her, it didn't bother me, not telling my parents because, it's not like they cared, about me. When I told Lily the whole story, and situation along with the deal. She didn't judge, yell, or anything. She was more on the calm side and talked to me about it. She made feel better, but not about myself.

I trust her and only her, I don't really talk, to many family members, nor friends since I had none, Bobby scared them all away. I only talked to my family when needed. But, other than that, it's really only me and Lily.

"Darcy.....Darcy....DARCY????" a voice keep echoing.

"Huh, What?"

"Are you okay, you seem really spaced out?"

" I'm fine are we almost there?" I said in a shaky voice.

"Okay, we're here but, can you just tell me what happened, when you ran...you know, just in case the detective ask?" with a harsh tone.


"I ran into a alley, it was so cold, and dark, some guy, who was quite on the handsome/gorgeous side, named Louis Tomlinson, came up to me.."

Then she slapped me across my face.

"What the flack, was that for bruh, you fonkernickeal?"

"Did you just say, you saw meet, and talked to the LOUIS TOMLINSON?"

And then for some reason, she started hyperventilating... what the flack is going on....

Hey everyone sorry for the long update all the computors just stopped working well if you wanna know what BOOBY LILY AND DARCY LOOK LIKE IT WILL BE IN THE SIDE LILY IS A BLODE SO 




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