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In war, who is ever in the right?

Why the victors who history do write!

What is the truth that is broadcast?

It depends on who said what last!

Both sides eagerly proclaim, not our fault!

Yet all are guilty by default!

Missiles fired by the aggressor nation,

Are returned tenfold with utter devastation! 

Children, woman, families,  all massacred! 

Leaving the belief that nothing is sacred?

The cowards firing rockets where innocents are,

Do so without any real care!

There is no thought behind the retaliation, 

Civilians are destroyed without a moments contemplation! 

Codemn the one and you are an anti semitic, 

With all of its ensuing rhetoric! 

Condemn the other for its attempts at terror,

You get stared at with contempt and horror!

Non combatants die in bloody carnage,

As deathly battles around them rage!

To take either side, would be to agree with their wrongs!

Yet currently all we hear is Death's dirge songs!

For peace to succeed, both must give up violence! 

Why can neither side show any benevolence? 

Till that day, children must suffer and die,

While the world listens to each and every lie!

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