The depths of mans depravity

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Just when I thought it was safe,

To believe that we could not sink any lower,

I happened to watch the news.

(Which should be renamed the depression show.)

I witnessed something so disturbing,

It shocked me!

I have witnessed events of death and depravity,

That would curdle and haunt your mind no end...

Yet I have been shocked...

Look it up, it is true,

It has happened right here in Africa,

The birth place of man...of civilization.

It seems we give birth to horrendous events as well.

A man so depraved,

Does not just beat his girlfriend,

He uses his three day old baby,

(Yes you read right.)

A three day old baby,

To beat her with...

I have till today, never truly, contemplated murder,

but now I can never say that...anymore. 

Sanity prevails and I shall rather pen this horror,

For with Knowledge,

We might, just stop this happening again.

The barrel that contains mans depravity,

Seems to be deeper than I thought before.

I pray it is not deeper still.  

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