Metal Head, I am!

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Darkness enshrouds me lovingly,

Her black heart beats with mine.

Absence of her not taken lightly,

As wickedness I try to define.


Turn my back on vain humanity,

An evil , self serving lot!

Embrace music's power in totality,

For her I have become besot. 


Frowned upon and cast aside,

For not living YOUR life.

Embrace the chords, I decide,

To not put up with this strife!


Strumming, screaming banshee guitars,

Beaten drums of frenzied,  release,

Reach up my soul to heavens stars,

May this music never cease!


Dressed in black with long hair,

Judged to be of Satan's clan!

All I can say, that is not fair,

How dare you judge me as a man!


In church you ridicule and scream,

How evil my music do be.

You live in your own created dream!

You have dared to judge me!


You search for hidden meaning,

In each and every line.

Taking only what you are wanting,

So your case you can define.


Take the whole of the song

And not just a single part

It will prove your myths wrong.

Not all is evil for a start.


I am a Metal Head proud!

I am Catholic as well!

I will shout it out loud!

I might just not go to hell!


Now that should disappoint,

Before you judge, you should know me.

I wonder who made your appointment,

No one I think, we would agree!


The music might define,

But a monster it does not make!

In this darkness, my soul is fine,

Your fears are but fake.


Outside the darkness may rein,

But inside God's light is supreme!

For you His tears does rain,

Because of everything you do scheme!


I follow His Sons teachings,

Giving back to those less fortunate. 

Instead of your money beseechings,

My time to them I donate!


So what of my choice of music?

Will it send me to heaven or hell?

Would it not be just classic,

If I was there with you as well?

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