Broken pieces

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Spread across the floor,

Thousands upon thousands...

Pieces of my spirit,

Crushed beneath the heel of reality!

Gather up what I can,

Empty into a bottomless bag,

...a bag called pity.

How to put together my life,

When the jigsaw puzzle is broken,

Missing pieces...

A void that exists,

Where black holes breed,

Sucking life's enjoyment out of me!

Why bother,

When no glue can make me whole again?

Friends, family, one and all,

Never there when required,

Yet they step on the pieces of me,

Crushing me even smaller,

Grinding what is left to dust,

To be blown away on the winds...

Maybe it is for the best,

Nobody wants broken goods,

They have to fix.


Leave me as I am.

It is for the best,

I cannot be judged by perfection,

Or set my hopes to high.

I will just remain...


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