VOWS (final)

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(y/n) looked at herself in the mirror, she gazed upon the long kimono that she chose out of the many that she was to choose from. There was no limit to the expenses of her and Kakashi's wedding. It seemed that every business from the yamanaka flower shop to the ichiraku ramen had sponsored the wedding.

Everyone was expecting this grand wedding. This felt like a lot of pressure on (y/n) that everything had to go well, because everyone was expecting it too. So many thoughts ran through her head while she was looking in the mirror at herself that she wasn't really looking at her reflection. She didn't even noticed her bridesmaids walk through the door.

" You look beautiful !" ino shouted

"Of course she does , she is getting married" sakura boomed

" I bet Kakashi will be awestruck when he sees you (y/n)" Hinata said with a warm smile.

"Thank you ladies, I'm glad to have you here and to also care so much for this wedding of a stranger."

"Stranger!?" they all said in unison.

" we might have known you for a long time (y/n). But we know for sure that sensei kakashi wouldn't just choose anybody to be his wife. You are someone amazing and we are all excited to get to know you more."  sakura held (y/n) hands

" we are not strangers, more like future besties in the making" ino gave a thumbs up

" I hope we can be of help to you whenever you need it," Hinata bowed slightly.

There was a warmth in her heart. Kakashi was right, she can definitely make new friends, especially with them.

"Well it is time, are you ready?" Sakura smiled.


(y/n) nodded and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

The ladies walked down the aisle before the bride did and the groom and his groomsmen and his best man Guy were already waiting at the altar.

As a gentle melody played, then entered the bride, and soon wife to be. She walked gracefully just as she looked. Her eyes locked with Kakashi's. It felt like time had slowed down for both of them. Kakashi thought to himself that this moment would never end. But if that were to be true then she would ever be his wife. She eventually joined him at the altar. Struggling to say anything at all to his beautiful bride.

" Hi."

Was all he could say


Was all she could reply with

They botched laughed and at the same time they said

" I love you"

The ceremony soon began and every word was so meaningful it almost made them both want to cry, almost.

It soon became time for the vows and both were very nervous and giddy. Kakashi began to speak his heart.

" (y/n), you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.-"

He looked into her gorgeous sparkling eyes

" I want you in my arms every morning when I wake up and when I sleep. I need you to be my smile when I can not. I want to be your happiness when you have none. I want to raise you higher than you have ever been, because you deserve a view of what you deserve. (y/n) I promise you on this day that I will be yours forever and ever."

She shed a tear when Kakashi wiped away with his thumb.She smiled into the palm of his hand. She grabbed his hand with her own and held it tightly, as she brought it down to hold it while she began her vows.

"Kakashi, you have given me light when I was in complete darkness, you have made me feel like I'm more than what I am. And I thank you for that. You have shown me what love can be and how it can heal anything. And it will take a lifetime to return the favor. But that is why I'm standing here today. To do just that and more, I will  prove to you I am more than happy to be your wife now and forever."

He smiled and pulled down his mask as he kissed her.

"I know pronounced you both husband and wife , Mr. and Mrs.Hatake"

Cheers were heard all around and tears were definitely shed.

"This was a true symbol of what love can be and how youthful it can feel." Guy said

as he watched his best friend and now said wife walk away down the aisle.

As if hearing him from afar, Kakshi looked back and gave Guy a wink. And Guy being his best friend knew exactly what that meant.

That their rivalry score was now tied.

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