What A Night (LEMON)

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Two ladies in their yukatas bowed and opened a doubled door that lead to a private room outside, there was stringed up lanterns spread above the springs. (y/n) eyes widen with amazement, it was beautiful. Kakashi looked over to see her face in a beautiful warm orange glow from the lanterns and his heart fluttered at the site of her.

He walked forward and because (y/n) was still loped through his arm she went with him. They went to the entrance of the sauna where the steps seem to fade from the heat of the water the deeper, they went. Kakashi looked into her eyes.

"would you like to go in first" he asked her.

"sure..." she replied hesitantly

She released her arm from his and began to untie her garment, her back was facing Kakashi and she could feel his stare on her back. She dropped her garment onto the floor and slowly walked into the water.

Kakashi eyes watched her every curve in delight. it was now his turn. (y/n) turned around and faced him. He was slowly getting undressed. The only sound was the sound of his garment rustling and the faint sound of the small waterfall in the bath. Their eyes were so intently looking at each other. As his close hit the floor. (y/n) sank into the water slightly to hide her grin. He was more then what she had imagine. He walked into the water and went up to her his skin glowing with water droplets from the steam. Each drop falling down into another making a water vein going down his body to the water and merging with it. (y/n) especially like the water droplets that followed the curve of his pecks and abs. she sat on a wall bench in the water and he sat next to her the water going to his collar bone and going up to her neck.

"this is nice, we should do this more often together (y/n)"

"I agree, this is bliss"

She leaned her head back and sighed she was definitely relaxing next to her naked boyfriend.

When she just realized he was naked and next to her, the image of him and his body replayed in her mind.

She scooted herself closer to him and laid her head onto his shoulder which in return he wrapped his arm around her and rest it atop of her.

- ! WARNNING! It is about to get sexy –

She slid her hand onto his thigh under the water. She slid her hand closer to his twitching member. She gripped her hand firmly onto his slightly Hardening cock, she began to pump her hand up and down while using her thumb to rub his tip. Every now and then did she earn a moan which escaped the mans lips.

"you sure you want to do this?" he questions her, bringing her face to his.

"I'm ready" she gave her consent.

He pulled her into a kiss, her hand was still on his member pumping him with pleasure. He kept kissing her rolling his hot tongue in her mouth. He used his available arm and crossed over her arm which was giving him pleasure and he began to rub the bud of her flower. She moaned into his mouth and he moaned back both sending waves of vibrations into their throats and mouths. They broke their steamy kiss leaving (y/n) heaving.

He slides himself above the water and sits on the edge of wall, (y/n) moves between his legs and looks up at him as she grabs the base of his shaft with one hand and his balls with the other she leans her face closer to his cock and her bottom lip gently touches his tip. She looks up at him her eyes asking if it was okay to do what she was about to do. He raised his hand and pressed the back of it against his lips and he nodded yes. She was so beautiful it made him embarrassed. But he did not look away.

She opened her mouth and slowly slid his cock into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around his cock, she bobbed her head all while fondling his balls. This was giving Kakashi so much pleasure that he could hold back his moans and grunts. (y/n) pulled her mouth off his cock and kept pumping she began to suck on his sack and playing with it in her mouth with her tongue, he threw his head back griping the hair atop of her head. She gave the other on just as much as attention as she did the other one. She then proceeded to go back to his cock. Her hot mouth sucking all the pre cum into the back of her throat. Kakashi could feel himself get closer to his climax. He eventually came trying to pull away from her mouth so he would not cum in her mouth, but it was too late he also got it across her cheek. She used her thumb to wipe it off her face and sucked on her thumb to clean it, she swallowed his juices.

He slid himself back into the water and wrapped his hands around her waist and turned around and set (y/n) on to the edge of the wall.

"your turn." Was all he said

He spread her legs and she leaned back onto the warm floor. He rubbed the inside of her thighs gripping them and slid them down to her pussy and spread her lips, he stared for a second admiring the color of her flower. He slid one finger into her pumping in and out hooking his finger here and there. He eventually slid anther long finger in and using his thumb to rub her clit. She moaned and arch her back in pleasure. He slid his now sticky finger out and sucked them clean. He rested his hand back on her outer thigh and with his tongue he pushed and flicked her clit. Her moans were giving him the signs that he was doing the job right. He got out of the water and went atop of her, he kissed her, and she kissed back. He gave her kisses and light biting along her neck and her proceeded to her breast sucking on one and twisting the other. He made sure to switch and look at (y/n) reaction as her body was twitching with pleasure.

"I can't hold on any longer" she cried out.

"me either"

he positioned himself between her legs and looked her in the eyes, she nodded, and he grabbed his cock and guided it into her sweet abyss. They both moaned out in pleasure. He began to thrust and she moaned in pleasure as it hit her sweet spot. He slid his hand under her back and pulled her into is chest and kept moving his hips. He turned over onto his back to have (y/n) ride him to give her max pleasure. She rode him and bounced her hips making his cock hitting her deepest part. He helped by thrusting back and together they shared a rhythm. He reached up and grabbed and twisted her nipples, she moaned with pleasure, she felt a tightening in her stomach and a sweet release she rolled her eyes to the back as she felt her climax overwhelm her. The tightening of her pussy caused Kakashi to climax into his girlfriend causing her to feel a full sensation in her insides. They Both laid onto the pavement and heaved.


He turned his head and gave her a kiss on her check.

"I really love you (y/n)" he smiled

"I love you too Kakashi" she smiled back

He got back into the water to clean himself. He reached out for her hand for her to the same, she grabbed it and went into the water they held each other into a hug. Then they began to clean each other under the stary night and the lit lanterns.

She kissed his cheek

"what a night"

(A/N well that was my first-time writing smut, how did I do?) 

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