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Edited by Hoekage88_Hatake

Chapter 4

The silvered haired ninja was reading the poetry book, he was already half way done with it since he bought it. As he finished reading the current poem he heard his named being called from a distance. Kakashi looked up to see (y/n) waving her hand while showing her beautiful smile. Kakashi couldn't help but blush. She looked like something out of a dream. Kakashi was so entranced by the beautiful girl he did not realize that she was already sitting next to him on the bench.

"Hey Kakashi? You alright there?"

The (h/c) girl waved her hand in front of the man. He blushed as he realized he wasn't prepared to see her again as he though he was. After realizing he had a crush on her it seemed he was a little a tongue twisted.

"H-hey (y/n) y-you I am glad you made it"

He stood up and offered his hand to the woman. Which she gladly took as she rose form her seat. But to her surprise Kakashi didn't let go of her hand and started to walk on the path that lead through the cherry blossoms.

"Let us go then"

The ninja continued to walk with her hand in his. He wasn't sure if he was right to hold her hand, but his body didn't want to let go. As he looked over at her, she was looking at their connected hands she smiled and looked up at Kakashi.

"You have really big hands Kakashi"

She squeezed his hand a little.

"You know what they say about big hands"

Kakashi just realized just what he had said. immediately he tried to apologize but before he could she spoke up.

"Big hearts, yeah I know"

She looked over at him and she gave a wink. This girl just managed to make the unfazed cool Kakashi swoon. They continued their walk in silence looking at the scenery. The lack of silence was not awkward for them both, but in fact it was a peaceful quiet. The silence was soon broken when both of them heard a faint child's cry in the distance. They rushed to the sound to only find a little girl with a pink dress and messed up pig tails crying in the middle of the park. (y/n) was the first to let go of their hands as she rushed to the little girls' aid.

"What's wrong little one?"

The little girl looked up at (y/n) and started to cry even louder. This made (y/n) panic a little, she was never good with kids. Then Kakashi knelt down and picked her up, then rubbed her back which resulted in her to stop crying. (y/n) was impressed.

"what's your name"

Kakashi asked this as he set her down. She wiped her tears.


Her sobs were affecting her speech. (y/n) proceeded to the little girl and began to fix her pigtails.

"Yamiko what's wrong?"

The little girl finally settled down realizing she was in safe hands.

"I lost my mommy. She told me to wait. but I saw a pretty butterfly"

The little girl fiddled with her finger as she realized she knew she shouldn't have followed the butterfly.

The grey-haired man stood up and so did the (h/c) woman. They both looked at each other and nodded. In unison both spoke up.

"We will help you find your mommy"

The little girl smiled and grabbed both their hands

"ok let's go"

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