A Game

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Chapter 11

Kakashi woke up with a cold sweat he felt his stomach turn. He could tell that this day was not going to be a good one.

"maybe I should have eaten dinner"

He got up from his bed and put on his daily outfit. He looked in the mirror and noticed some heavy eye bags that underlined his grey eyes. He went to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. And did his morning hygiene routine. He was hoping he looked better than before, but to no avail he did not. He grabbed his shoes and placed them on his feet before he walked out the door. The one thing that made him feel better was the thought of his girlfriend working her bookstore with a smile. Just that thought alone brought a smile to his face.

As he arrived to the bookstore, he saw kabuto working the front desk. They made eye contact and kabuto just smiled. But Kakashi couldn't help but feel a pinch in his gut. That was not an ordinary smile. Kakashi walked in and the bell chimes rang in the silent room.

"Hello lord sixth how can I help you today"

Kabuto put his book down and looked up at Kakashi.

"I came to see my girlfriend (y/n)"

"oh, I haven't seen her at all this morning, I was the one who opened the shop this morning, so I thought maybe she was still asleep"

"is that right?"

Kabuto walked to a key rack and grabbed a key ring with a single key.

"Here take this. I have to keep an eye on the store, but you should go check up on her... you know since you are her boyfriend and all"

Kabuto kept his smile on his face and Kakashi grabbed the keys and nodded his head. He walked out of the store and to the side stairs to get to (y/n) home. He unlocked the door and looked around everything was in the right place from last time. But Kakashi could not feel her chakra at all.

" (y/n) you home?"

Kakashi called out to her but no one replied. He walked to her bedroom and knocked but there was no response. He walked in and she was not there. Kakashi was getting worried but tried to remained calm he then began to look around her room he didn't notice anything that might have given him a clue. He walked back out side of the apt and back to the bookstore.

" she is not there"

Kakashi began walking to where kabuto sat. kabuto looked up at Kakashi surprised.

" wait what do you mean she is not there?!"

kabuto got up from his seat.

"kabuto when is the last time you saw her?"

"when we closed up shop yesterday around 9. But she didn't go home she said she had to go talk to you."

"I was with the Hokage until 12."

Kakashi raised he eyebrow as he realized what kabuto had said before his own statement.

"you said she had to go talk to me. Did she say she was going to my house?"

Kabuto looked up and Kakashi looking for anything in his face but found nothing.

"yes she did I believe"

Kakashi hummed to himself.

"Alright ill go ask around if anybody has seen her around from 9 to 12"

"Good luck Kakashi please let me know if you find anything, I am really worried"

Kakashi only nodded and walked out the store. his expression completely changing. He only thought one thought.

{(I never showed (y/n) my house... so how can she visit me there if I never told her)}

Kakashi knew something was going on and he also knew kabuto was part of it. He had to play this little game of his to find (y/n) and he knew it. He only hoped that she was alive.

"don't worry (y/n) I will find you no matter what."

He went back home he knew he had to put on his disguise if he were going to figure this out without being detected by Kabuto.

"I'll play your little game; just know you are going to lose"

Kakashi proceeded to walk home. But as for kabuto who was still in the shop, he started to act on phase 2 of his plan. 3 men walked into the bookstore and kabuto walked them into the back of the store.

"Did you all do it?"

Kabuto asked with a devious stare in his eyes. The 3 men looked at each other and smiled.

"yeah the bitch loved it so much she had tears of joy in her eyes"

one of the men boasted. Kabuto only frowned getting tired of the chit chat these buffoons were having

"where is the tape?"

The 3rd man gave kabuto a VHS tape.

It had label on the side that read 'For Kakashi'

Kabuto smiled

"Sharing is caring Kakashi."

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