Chapter 5

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After potions we had transfiguration I got there early along with Pansy, Draco and Goyle. Can't say the same about Harry and Ron, when they showed up it looked like they had run from Potions in the dungeons, it was kinda disgusting. they said something about being there before the teacher when McGonagall transformed back into a human form where she was sitting like a cat on her desk.
"that was Blood brilliant" Ron Exclaimed.
"thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, that way you would be on time." McGonagall said with no emotion. how could they even be late it's not like we had no time, we had 20 minutes in between our classes.
"We got lost" Ah Harry you poor soul she doesn't care.
"then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats" Ha I was right. As Harry sat down we made eye contact and I smiled but he just rolled his eyes and looked away, what the heck Harry? the class was just an introduction to the class so I just tuned it out and practiced some wandless magic good thing I was sat in the back so nobody saw.

after we finished lunch we headed to flying class. we were some of the first ones there Pansy and Daphne didn't look too excited. when the rest of the class joined us Madam Hooch started "Good Afternoon, class."
"good afternoon, Madam Hooch."
"Welcome to your first flying lesson. well, what are you waiting for? everyone stands on the left of your broomstick. come on now, hurry up. stick your right hand out and say, Up!"
"Up" Automatically mine, Draco's and Harry's broom all went up and we all caught them as I looked over that girl Harmony I think was yelling "Up up up up up!" There is no need to rage but get it I guess. Ron's broom hit him in the nose causing Me and Draco to laugh while Pansy Daphne and Blaise try to hide their snickers by coughing.
"Now once you've got a hold of your broom I want you to mount it and grip it tight you don't want to be sliding off the end"
we all got on our brooms and y'know this is kinda fun.
"When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady and hover for a bit then lean forward to come down. on my whistle in 3...2..."
before she blew her whistle Toad Boy when like 100 feet in the air while Madam Hooch tried to get him down. it was funny watching him fall through.
"oh dear, he's got a broken wrist. Everyone is to keep their feet on the ground while I take him to the hospital wing."
Draco picked up this red ball I think it's a rememberall from the ground and said
"Did you see his face? maybe if the lump had squeezed this, he'd have remembered to fall on his behind" We all start laughing but Harry doesn't seem to find it funny I thought.
"Give it here Malfoy" he yelled.
"no, I don't think I will I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find" Oh so that's his name. I zoned out trying to remember names until I heard Draco calling me "Female Potter come to catch."
"Draco do I have to" I whined.
"yes, Potter come on it will be fun."
"Jade don't you dare."
"or what Harry? nothing. Pass it here Draco" I yelled flying up. we tossed it back and forth before Draco threw it too hard for me to catch it and winked. I smirked and swerved to the side "Oops" Draco shrugged. Harry chased it me and Draco got down. As Harry comes back from catching it McGonagall appears. "Harry Potter follow me," she said and then she swiftly went back to the castle Harry following Draco was snickering but this time I wasn't.

we are doing Wingardium Leviosa in Charms today I can do it without my wand so this will be easy. "Wingardium Leviosa" as I said this my feather lifted. "great job Ms.Potter 5 points to Slytherin." Harmony looked so mad so I walked up to her and said 

"Would you like any help Harmony?" she looked at me offended. 

"It's Hermione, not Harmony and I can do it on my own I don't need your help." okay what was that about? I walked back to my seat and saw that Pansy was struggling so I helped her and then she helped Blaise and Draco while I helped Goyle and Daphne. By the end of class all of us had gotten it right.

we were sitting eating at the Halloween feast when Professor Quirrell came running in "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON THERES A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! though you ought to know" Then he passed out. everyone was screaming and yelling until 

"SILENCE! if everyone would please not panic. Prefects lead your houses back to their dormitories teachers follow me this way" Gemma led us to the common room and sent us all to our dorms where and the girls talked all night.

the next day was our first quidditch match and I was excited Draco was going to get us the best seats while Pansy, Daphne and I did face paint and Blaise was getting snacks from the kitchen for during the match.

as the match started the announcer person Lee I think started yelling. "Hello and welcome to Hogwart's first quidditch game of the season! In today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor" everyone was cheering. "the players take their places as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game.......the bludgers are up followed by the golden snitch. Okay, the Quaffle is now up in the air and the game begins".
in the end, the game was very interesting but sadly we lost. Harry almost fell off his broom but the important part is that he stayed on. he still hasn't talked to me though and it's been almost 2 months.

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