Chapter 6

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as Christmas grew near I started to panic. I can't go back to the Dursleys I'm treated like crap there, I mean I'm treated better than Harry but still.

as we were sitting in our Dorm one night Pansy spoke up "Jade I know the muggles you live with aren't the best so do you want to come over to my manor to Yule?" 

"Yes, of course, Pansy I would love to," I said trying not to sound too desperate.

"Okay I'll Owl my mum right now I'm sure she'll be fine with it"
"Okay thank you so much, Pansy"
"it's no problem I didn't want you to spend Yule alone" After that we all went to sleep

a couple of days later we were on the train on our way to Kings Cross Station, as we arrived Draco Daphne Goyle and Blaise went their own way and Pansy grabbed my hand and led me to her parents. her mum looked just like her but with Brown hair and her father had black hair and violet eyes "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson" I said
"likewise Ms. Potter"
"oh please call me Jade I don't like when people call me that"
"Alright, then Jade grab my arm Pansy take your Fathers's arm we are going to appreate it, have you ever done that Jade?"
"no, I have never"
"it doesn't hurt you'll be fine dear"
"okay" we appreated to a beautiful manor it was grey and white and they had a huge garden as we got inside I thanked them again for letting me stay and then Pansy led me to the room I would be staying in, it was almost as big as the Dursley's kitchen, dining room and my bedroom put together. 

"thank you, Pansy, this is much appreciated"
"anytime Jade you're one of my best friends and I'm not letting you be alone on Yule considering that you would be at Hogwarts. you would have been the only Slytherin and your brother still won't speak to you for whatever reason so I wanted to invite you plus you would be the only one in our friend group not going to the Malfoy's yule ball on the 25th" Pansy said
"Okay thank you so much though I owe you and what do you mean a ball I won't have anything to wear"
"It's alright mum and Dad are taking us shopping in the morning a house-elf with bring you to the dining hall in an hour so I will leave you to get adjusted"

at dinner, Parkinson's asked me all kinds of questions like "What's my favourite quidditch team" the Harpies or "How's school" I answered every question truthfully because I didn't have a reason not to.

on the 25th I woke up to Pansy jumping on my bed telling me that we had to open presents. I was confused as I had never gotten presents before but I went down and watched her open them and when she pushed a pile towards me I was shocked but opened them anyway. 

Draco had gotten me diamond earrings real diamonds, Blaise had gotten me a set of quills because I keep losing mine, Daphne had gotten me a silver necklace that had a snake on it, Goyle had gotten me treats and Pansy had gotten me shoes to match my dress for the ball, what I didn't expect was for there to be one more it was a silver ring with green engravings on it from Pansy's parents along with them telling me I can come over whenever. I finally feel welcomed somewhere.

later that night I was dressed in i silver dress with the shoes from Pansy the ring from her parents, the necklace from Daphne and the earrings from Draco. I was just about to grab my want to hide in my hair when Pansy came in. 

"wow you look like you grew up a pureblood nobody will even know you not" awww this is why I love her 

"Thank you Pans this is why you're my best friend" we walked downstairs where her parents were waiting for us "wow you girls look stunning" 

 "thank you Mrs.Parkinson"

 "your welcome dear now let's get going"

the ballroom was bigger than 2 of the Dursley's house and, surprisingly, I didn't get lost as we entered the Malfoys came up to us "It a pleasure to have you here Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson and I'm sure Draco will be happy to see Pansy here. oh and you must be Jade its a pleasure to meet you Ms. Potter" said Mrs . Malfoy. 

"likewise Mrs. Malfoy and just Jade are fine" I said to her. 

 "Alright how about you two go talk with the other kids while we chat with Pansy's parents," Mr. Malfoy said. 

Pansy grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the corner with all our friends. we talked about our yule/Christmases for a while until Blaise grabbed me by the arm onto the floor where people were dancing. I looked behind me and saw Draco dancing with Daphne and Pansy dancing with Goyle. the song started and I thanked Aunt Petrina for making me dance for 4 hours a day every day for different dance genres for 3 years. we danced for a while and then we all switched partners and Goyle and I ended up dancing and he was surprisingly good at it. after around four hours of dancing and having fun while keeping up pureblood appearances -even though I'm not a pureblood- we went back to the manor and changed into pajamas and Pansy and I stayed up in my room and ended up passing out at 3 in the morning on the bed.

a week later all six of us were back on the train on our way to Hogwarts when I realized something

"hey Goyle"

"yes Potter"

"okay first off Potter is my brother call me Jade and second you don't tell us all that much about you so I want to know more about you"

"you want to know about me?"

"yes that is what I said"

"Okay well I'm a pureblood like everyone but you Jade, I like to read and play quidditch I also like to hang out with you guys because I never had that many friends before Hogwarts so I just like to remind myself that you guys are real"

"awww that last one is so sweet" I leaned in and hugged him

"GROUP HUG" and there goes Pansy. all of a sudden I feel four pairs of arms wrap around us wow even Draco joined the hug.

we arrived back at the castle and all hung out in the common room with all the other returning Slytherins like Theodore Nott and Tracy Davis until dinner when we split with them and went to our usual spot at the middle of the table and They went to the end of the table I couldn't be any happier than I am now if you had told me when I was 9 that there were more people like me other witches and wizards or that id be going to a school full of them and making friends with 5 of the best people I've ever met I would say you were crazy.

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