Chapter Nine

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Years Later:2009

"Oh please Stephanie!!! Come with us!" Prince pleaded.
"Yes yes yes!! Come on! It will be fun!" Paris followed as she was on her knees.
Marylin sighed and shock her head.
"No no no and no kids.  Must stay here with your father." Marylin insisted.
"You really don't have to Stephanie-" Micheal said as he was getting ready to leave for rehearsal. It was that day. The day Marylin has been waiting for: June 24 2009.
Not in any shape or form was she going to leave Micheal alone that day and the next day. Even though he hasn't suffered with any allegations thanks to Marylin, she wants to make sure everything is ok.
The kids were of to their grandmothers house, either way she didn't want to communicate with the family. It's been years since she last spoke to them.

"Oh please!!!" The kids begged together. Marylin shock her head as her final answer. She loved the kids with all her heart but she had her priorities to do. And that's Micheal.
"It's fine you guys. Don't force her to do something she doesn't want to do" Micheal said as he signaled the bodyguards to take the kids away.
They sighed and waved goodbye sadly. Marylin felt bad but they were going to be thankful one day.
Once the kids left, so did Micheal and Marylin. When they arrived they were greeted by Ortega in which he handed Micheal some scripts and outfit ideas.
They went to the rehearsals for hours and hours until it was time to go. Tired and exhausted, both Michael and Marylin left the studio back home.

"If I May Mike, do you think.. maybe... i Can spend the night.. with you?" Marylin said in their way upstairs.
"Sure!" He replied softly with a tired tone.
They used blankets, pillows and stuffed animals for a fort and played games, sang songs, danced and lots of stuff until Micheal eventually fell asleep.
Marylin on the other hand, although she was extremely tired, she stayed up all night guarding him. She didn't want to let her guard down as she feared that anything could hurt him. Even if a fly passed by.

As hours went by Marylin's eyes grew tired and tired. As soon as she was about to sleep her back pain came back. She started to scream in a pillow next to her not wanting to wake Micheal up, but she failed. Michael woke up to muffled sounds and realized it came from Marylin.
"Stephanie?" He said as he woke up. "What's going on? Are you okay?"
Marylin couldn't help it anymore and let out streams of tears. She started hitting the pillows around her as the pain green more and more.
"Ugh! MY BACK!" She yelled out.
Michael scooted over her as he tried to look behind her.
"Let me see. Please." He said calmly.
She had no choice she was barring it for years now, she wanted it to end. She turned around and Micheal lifted her shirt.
Sure enough there were two huge like bruises on her back.

Micheal gasped as he saw how big they were.
"What is it?" Marylin said.
Micheal froze in fear and tears started to form.
She got up and walked over a mirror.
"M-my wings!" She said. Sure enough, the two big marks on her back where were her wings used to be. It was a bruise as if someone cut them off and a stain was left behind.
"Wings?" Micheal said confused.
"I-oh no I...Uhm...I said...geez! Yea.." Marylin said as she covered herself up again.
"Do they hurt?" He asked.
"A but now, but usually it would hurt like a lot!"
"How long have you been experiencing the pain?"
".... for a couple of.. uhm... years"
"Years?! And you never told me anything?!"
"Sorry.. i never thought it was THAT important"
Micheal sighed as he covered his face in sadness.
"Look right now I have to go and make a visit with my family. Especially because I have to pick up the kids, but as soon as we come back, well get a doctor ok?"
Marylin nodded as she agreed. She knew her time of leaving was almost up. It's June 25 and he's here... alive. She'll have to go back home eventually. Breaking the news will be harder than she though.

She didn't hesitate in going with him to his families house as she knew it was going to be the last time she will see them. The driver drove them to the Jackson mansion. It was around a 30 minute drive, not that far.
The driver pulled up to the drive way and opened the door for them. They stepped out and closed the door from behind.
Marylin stood there in sadness. She couldn't bare and face them after years.
"Everything alright? Is it the pain?" Michael asked.
"Uhm, no everything is fine. Don't worry." She said as they walked to the front door.

They knocked on the door twice and sure enough Latoya answered it.
"Michael! There you are!" She said as she went in for a hug.
"How's my brother doing?" She asked.
Michael chuckled. "I'm fine sis"
She awww and looked down at Marylin.
"Oh heaven and earth, your Stephanie aren't you?"
"Yup thats me"
"Oh how lovely! Please come in! Come in!"
And so they did. They walked inside and greeted everyone. Marylin stood in awkwardness in the door way. She saw the kids playing outside which reminded her the times she spent with them.
"How about if we go outside?" Said Joseph.
Everyone agreed and sat on the porch. They talked for a while as Marylin tried to catch up everything that  went on.

"The ball went to the further back of the yard. Me and Paris are going to go get it!" Yelled prince. As he longed to a forest like place.
"Okay but be careful" Micheal yelled back.
He soon went back to the conversation he was having wit Jermaine and Marlon. For several minutes they laughed at many times and started to play fight.
Katherine stood up and walked over to Marylin.
"Stephanie, all I want to say right now and infrint of my children, is that I'm deeply sorry for what I accused you a couple years ago. I truly am. I understand I made you feel uncomfortable and I'm really sorry honey" Katherine said as she wiped tears with a napkin.
Marylin awed and hugged her.
"No need to apologize. It's in the past and the past does not define us today. Okay? Don't be sorry" Marylin said as she smiled.
"Sorry to break the moment. But does anyone noticed that the children have been gone for too long?" Said Tito.
Everyone snapped out of their reality and realized he was right. They were gone for too long.
Marylin was more aware and shocked.
"Kids.." she whispered before running in the forest with everyone but Katherine and Joseph behind.

She hoped nothing bad would happen. That everything was a silly game they were playing. She prayed for nothing but the best..

We're are you guys..
She thought...

To be continued...

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