Chapter Twenty-Six

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When we got back to the farm, everyone that went on the search for Sophia was already there, besides Daryl that was still out looking for her, and took one of Hershel's horses without asking

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When we got back to the farm, everyone that went on the search for Sophia was already there, besides Daryl that was still out looking for her, and took one of Hershel's horses without asking. Me and Shane walked away from each other, getting to apologize to him made me breathe a little bit easier. It was one of the things that were weighing on my conscience that I could do to help me and resolve our messy relationship. I was currently with Crystal, separating the things we have brought as the ladies helped us taking to their place.

'' You got to talk everything with him? '' Crystal asked, as she handed Carol a few bags of pasta ''

'' Most of what was keeping us apart '' I answered, winking at Maggie.

'' So does that mean, you're together? '' My best friend sounded excited about it, I knew she wanted me to be happy. But in this world, I don't think there was such thing as happiness, a sense of comfort perhaps.

'' We're working on it '' I shrugged. '' Anyways, did someone found anything while we were gone? '' This time I asked Glenn who approached us with fresh fruit. My mouth watered just by looking at the peaches.

'' Not really, but they're going to try again tomorrow '' I picked one peach and took a bite from it. Crystal laughed at my despair, and soon the other ladies were joining her.

'' This is my favorite fruit, im so happy I still can enjoy it '' I tried to defend my hunger for the peach.

'' Help yourselves, we have more by the backyard of the house ''

'' You have trees of this? I wish I lived on a farm back in the day '' I finished my peach and grabbed the rag that was hanging from my back pocket and cleaned my hands, getting right back at the work. I let Crystal and the other women carry the heavier things as I couldn't do much. I knew I was already pushing myself to my limit because my side was stinging.

'' Walker, Walker '' We all heard Andrea shouting from the rooftop of the R.V. Soon I was following Shane and Rick to the field where one was approaching the farm, this one although seemed more alive than dead. And by the clothes, I immediately recognized it was Daryl.

'' It's Daryl '' I shouted so that everyone could hear, but no one paid me no mind.

'' I bet I can nail it from here '' I saw Andrea positioning the riffle, and locking it.

'' No, no. Andrea put the gun down '' Rick yelled, as I struggled to reach both men so they could stop.

'' You'd best let us handle it '' Shane yelled, and I forced myself to sprint towards them once again.

'' It's Daryl '' I shouted once again.

'' Shane hold up, Hershell wants to deal with the walkers ''

'' What for? ''

'' Guys that's—''

'' Is that Daryl? '' The group had caught up to us, and Glenn recognized the archer too.

'' That's what im yelling, that's Daryl. Put down the gun Andrea '' I yelled as I approached the archer.

'' That's the third time you pointed that thing at my head. You're gonna pull the trigger or what? '' Daryl asked.

'' Are you hurt? '' I asked, trying to see if the man had any injuries, that was when Crystal noticed the blood sipping from his shirt. '' Shit ''

Suddenly, Daryl is on the ground and the sound of a gunshot being fired locks me into place. Everyone jumped to help Daryl as I stood still. Flashes of Otis's dead body appearing in front of my eyes.

'' Ashley '' I got back to reality when T-Dog called my name '' Are you okay? Were you grazed? ''

'' No-No, I'm okay, im okay '' I turned around and walked back to the camp. Now storming to Andrea and the group that was already there, as Hershell was taking care of Daryl inside the house. '' What the fuck Andrea ''

'' Hey, let's calm down '' Lori tried to keep the fire in ambers, but I was mad.

'' No, this shit has to end. I know you want to protect the group, hell everyone wants to do that. But the solution isn't guns, you run out of bullets where do you end up? ''

Andrea stays silent, but I knew she wanted to speak.

'' C'mon, calm down hija '' My mom took me away from the hot zone and made me sit by the stairs.

Around five minutes later, Hershell came back outside to tell us that Daryl was doing okay. Rick came to the doorway and called us inside. I sat up, with my mom's help and walked inside.

'' How's he looking ?'' Rick asked the question, I walked a bit further from the room as it was starting to get crowded, Shane stood beside me.

'' I had no idea we'd be going through the antibiotics so quickly. Any idea what happened to my horse? '' Hershel asked Daryl.

'' Yeah, the one who tried to kill me? If it's smart, it left the country '' I covered my mouth as I tried not to laugh, I saw Crystal trying to do the same on the other side of the room which made me want to laugh even more.

'' We call that one Nelly, as in nervous Nelly. I could have told you she'd throw you if you'd bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long ''

Now, this I took offense in. He didn't know shit about survival being locked in this farm.

'' He'll be alright ''

'' I hate to say it, but I'm with Hershel on this one. Can't keep going out there, not after this '' Shane spoke, I was with him in this one. I knew that the plushie that Sophia carried around everywhere gave Rick hope, but she was gone. If she was still alive, and out there, she wouldn't be away from that plushie.

'' You'd quit now? Daryl just risked his life to bring back the first hard evidence we've had '' Rick defended.

'' Rick—'' I tried to interject, but I was silenced.

'' That is one way to look at it. The way I see it, Daryl almost died today for a doll '' Which was true, we were putting our lives in danger for someone who was already gone.

'' Yeah, I know how you see it '' Rick gave him a nasty look, which got me confused at their behavior towards each other.

'' I'm with Shane on this one, and everyone in this room should be too. If back then, when we had population it was difficult finding a child, how about now? '' I interjected.

'' The families of that child never lost hope, and we ain't about to do that now '' Rick answered me.

I rolled my eyes and we all dispersed from the room.

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