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——— HAYDEN SLUNG HER BAG OVER her shoulder with a huff as she roughly closed her locker, the sound of the metal echoing through the near empty hallways of Eden Hall. After the bell had rung, everyone didn't waste a second to rush out the doors, as per usual, and her brother, being the menace that he is, just had to rub it in her face that he didn't have to attend the library that afternoon, purposely going off his course to the rink just to pass her locker and taunt her.

"Take it as a gift, Denny," Emeroy grinned sheepishly as Hayden spun on her heel to face him. He was flashing her his infamous grin of charm that, for some reason in some infallible way that is too much beyond her knowledge, got every girl falling for him. She grimaced, rolling her eyes as she tried to walk away and ignore him. Unfortunately, he followed, "at least you won't have to walk home. You can catch a ride with Gray and I"

"I'd rather get run over," Denny deadpanned, glancing sideways to see him snort a deep laugh, shaking his head.

"Fine by me," Emeroy shrugged, "as long as you die in the process."

The blonde girl smiled sarcastically with a hum and nodded, scowling at him as she got all up in his face. "Better that way I don't have to put up with you."

"You say that as if you're not a hassle yourself."

"I'm not," Hayden countered. Her eyebrows furrowed as she gave Emeroy a foul look. She wanted to rip that smile right off his face. The way he chuckled and shook his head like he was having way to much fun taunting her. The way he had that smug grin plastered on his countenance. And the way his eyes just gleamed mischief. She hated him.

"Well here's the news flash, little sister," Emeroy began with a sharp sigh as he placed his hand on Hayden's shoulder. She grimaced upon feeling his touch, instantly slapping it away.

"You're two minutes older than me, don't get ahead of yourself."

Emeroy ignored her words, continuing to speak in such a manner that screamed I'm more superior than you. He spoke ever so slowly, like she was too stupid to register anything if he had gone any faster. "You're the one in detention and I'm the one who's on the way to a varsity hockey practice," he emphasised, smirking at the way his sister looked. He found such satisfaction in her clenched jaw and her balled up fists. Her eyes narrowed and her eyebrows were knitted together. All he could do was hold entertainment at the chance to spite her. "So yeah, Hayden, you're totally not a hassle."

His tone had undeniably held the utmost amount of sarcasm as he laughed menacingly, beginning to stalk off knowing that behind him stood his angered twin sister just about to enter the hell-hole they called detention.

Hayden Burke stared at him as he strutted off, clenching her teeth and sucking through her pursed lips. Her eyes burned into the back of his head until he turned down the hallway, making his route to the arena. Despite, she still stared off into where he disappeared with a scowl for a moment before shaking her head and turning to face the library doors she stood in front of.

Her breath caught itself as she finally peered through the transparent glass. She couldn't help but let out a breathy scoff, her eyes planting specifically on one table inside. Her lips twitched into the smallest smile, shaking her head as she pressed her tongue up to the inside of her cheek and muttered to herself. "You've got to be kidding me..." before she sucked in a sharp, deep breath and taking one big stride toward the doors. With that, Hayden Burke entered absolute hell.

The echo of the door closing behind her sounded through the quiet library, making all the attention of the five people there draw to her for a moment. However, her gaze fixated on one place, and when he turned to her, the moment their eyes met, each of their faces lit up.

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now