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——— MAYBE IT WAS JUST TODAY, but Hayden had been hearing her name and feeling lingering eyes a lot more than usual. It sent shivers up her spine, constantly hearing their whispers that she could just barely make out of. All she wanted to do was be able to make it to her chemistry class without feeling like she had go and put some sunglasses on and a disguise like a celebrity.

Her gaze stayed fixated on the ground as she clutched her backpack tight around her shoulder, carrying her textbook in her other arm. The thought of it being lunch after this period was what kept her motivated. Just one more class.

Denny was halfway down the hallway to her class when she had heard her name be called from behind her. Instinctively, her first thought was Charlie Conway, as much as it shouldn't have been. The brunette boy just couldn't seem to leave her mind that entire morning just like how what Mollie had said couldn't leave either.

Hayden hadn't turned around at the voice or even showed to have acknowledged it before she could hear their footsteps already jogging toward her from behind. She couldn't help but mentally groan.

"Yo little sis," she heard the voice, closer and more familiar now. Hayden looked over her shoulder to see none other than Grayson Burke coming to a stop, running a hand through his luscious black hair as he smiled. Part of her wasn't sure if the feeling she felt in her stomach was relief or disappointment that it wasn't the brunette hockey player she couldn't get out of her mind.

"Gray?" She let out in a questionable tone, drawing her eyebrows together as she turned to face him, "what's up?"

Grayson Burke hardly ever spoke to his younger sister anywhere but at home. She wouldn't even get a nod in the hallways or a wave across the cafeteria in the rare chances when they caught one another's eyes. They were basically strangers at school.

Emeroy and him were the brothers everyone knew, loved, and adored. The iconic duo. Everyone knew them... But if Hayden hadn't been a Burke- if they weren't the offspring of two of the most famous people in Minnesota- not a soul would even know she existed. Let alone know that she was related to the 'Golden Bros'.

"I can't just talk to my little sister?" Grayson shrugged, sending her a smile that was much too innocent for her liking.

Hayden blinked at him, "no." She said plainly. Her eyes narrowed as she gave him a deep look, "what is it?"

"What's what?"

"The favour," she rephrased, "what favour do you need because your lazy ass is too entitled to do it yourself."

Grayson exhaled a loud and sharp laugh, "I take offence to that, Hayds"

And though his body shook in his strain of laughter, Hayden Burke hadn't moved to laugh along, standing impatiently she meant every single word she said. "I'm not joking, Grayson. What the hell do you want?"

Her brother's laughter slowed to a stop as he cleared his throat, looking at Hayden's straight face. "Jesus-," he grumbled, "who pissed on your parade this morning? Emeroy, I'm guessing?"

"When is it not," Denny grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. She eyed the time and then glanced toward her class down the hall. Everyone was in there by now and there wasn't a doubt that she was definitely late. Her eyes darted to her brother with impatience, "and I've got class with the devil right now, unfortunately, so if you could hurry this up-"

"You've got class with Emmy?" Grayson's eyes lit up, his smile widening, "that's perfect."

Denny watched as Grayson dug through his Jean pocket before pulling out a small, folded piece of paper that looked like it had gone through World War II. Hayden furrowed her eyebrows. "What is that?"

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now