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"Wowo, baby..can you pull me a ply of tissue please..." Xiao Zhan shouts asking his son who is 3 meters away from him playing a lego block.

Wowo stares at the box of tissue that is only within Xiao Zhan's reach. The kid pouts and stands up, still holding the lego block in his hand, and pulls a ply of tissue.

"Here Daddy..." the obedient kid passes the ply of tissue.

"Thank you, baby..."

Wowo goes back to his place and continues to play and after few minutes, Xiao Zhan speaks again.

"Baby, can you tell Fengfeng to bring me some wafer here?"

Wowo looks at his father who is lying on the couch now, still eating some chips non-stop.

The kid heaves a sigh and stands up, looking for Qian Feng who is in the kitchen with the butler and chef.

"Fengfeng..water please...can you help me bring some water for Daddy?"

"Wow, did your Daddy ask you to bring for him?"

Wowo just nods while fidgeting his fingers.

"What time Baobao will come home?"

"You need to wait for an hour from now..let's go back to your Daddy and bring this water okay.."

Wowo chases up Qian Feng but he runs to the main door when he hears a car.

"Baobao?" Wowo thought Sei-sei arrived already but to his disappointment, his Baobao is not yet home.

"Zhan, here. Do you need anything else?" Qian Feng asks while looking at the poor kid at the main door.

"No more, thank you..."

Qian Feng goes back to the kitchen while Wowo continues to play when Xiao Zhan speaks again.

"Baby, can you bring me some chips again."

Wowo...Baby....Wowo...until Xiao Zhan gets full and falls asleep on the couch still holding a packet of chips in his chest.

After half an hour, Qian Feng wakes up him and told Xiao Zhan he will pick up Sei-sei. Sei-sei happily arrived home expecting Wowo to be waiting for him and will greet him.

"Wowo...I'm home..."

"Where is he? Nom Nom is here but where is Wowo?"

"Oh, he was playing when I left "

Sei-sei saw the lego blocks scattered on the floor and he is surprised to see Wowo sleeping on the cold marbled floor beside the sofa, leaning his back as if he is hiding.

"Wowo, wake up..why you are sleeping here...why you didn't join Daddy Nom Nom?"

Wowo wakes up and as long as he recognizes Sei-sei, he hugged his brother and sob.


Qian Feng's brows furrowed and glance at Xiao Zhan and shake his head. Xiao Zhan is sleeping with an open mouth with little snoring.

"Here, come...let's go up to your room."

Qian Feng guides the kids to their room and after freshen up, he let the kids rest and take an afternoon nap.

Qian Feng knew it, Xiao Zhan's pregnancy is affecting his daily routine. Xiao Zhan is a mess and becomes lazy since he became pregnant. They were all in chaos in his first to three months but now that Xiao Zhan is over with his morning sickness, he is lazier than ever.

Wang Yibo arrived home looking for his kids but he saw his hubby wifey in a mess in the living room.

"Oh boy, my wifey bunny is a mess..come, let me help you..." Wang Yibo said after placing his briefcase on the couch and carry his husband who is still in a daze from sleeping for almost three hours on the couch.

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