Chapter 1

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I was working in my office at the club to see how things are going, the club was doing well it was full and busy tonight

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I was working in my office at the club to see how things are going, the club was doing well it was full and busy tonight. I was going through some work before I stood up to go and get a drink I was just planning on getting a drink and going back to my office but i had other plans.

I exited my office and walked to the stairs on my way down i see my bestfriend Romello coming up the sirs, we have been friends and been working together for so long him being 26 me being 27. "Hey man." He says to me holding his handout so that we can do our signature handshake.

"Hey i haven't seen you all night where have you been?" I asked him "I was visiting the arena just to check on what's happening over there." He says and i nod.

We were interrupted from our conversation when we heard commotion happening in the club. We looked at each other and our eyes widened "Man what's happening now? It's always something in this club." Romello says rolling his eyes.

"Welp let's go and see what's happening then." I say.

We head down the stairs and head to the club, we opened the doors and saw there was a crowd around people and there was other people in club just dancing and minding their business.

Me and Romello walk up to the crowd moving people out of the way. "Woah, woah hey move out the way please." I say but people were still in the way.

"Move out of the way people! Or else I'll call security to kick you out." Romello shouts and people start to move out of the way. We finally got to the middle and saw a man holding the side of his face and groaning in pain and a shorter woman standing before him shouting and was about to raise his hand to hit him again but i stopped her by grabbing her arm.

"Let me go!" She shouted and tried to move her hand out of my grip so i let her hand go and gently grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from the man and out of the crowd.

Once we were out of the crowd "You need to calm down." I tell her turning her to face me. She looks up at me and squints her eyes a bit and then sighs. "Yeah sorry about that, he just needed to be put in his place." She says looking at me. I can't lie she's a really beautiful woman with slender eyes and beautiful brown eyes and a nice little button nose, i see a few freckles on her face and a few across her nose, she had beautiful brown glowy skin and nice full lips that was coated with lipgloss.

"If you want i could get my security and get him kicked out." I say suggesting to her she thinks for a while before she answers. "Yes i would like that because he most definitely did ruin my night." She says "Good becaude even if you didn't i would've still got him kicked out anyway." Romello says walking up to us he had a walky talky in his hand calling the security.

"So in the mean time just stay here with us until he's kicked out." I say and she looks at me "Uhmm i don't know i don't really know you guys, you guys are practically strangers." She says "Relax we just want to keep you safe we won't do anything to you." Romello says butting in and she just nods and gives a quiet okay and looking around.

A few minutes i heard a voice coming through Romello's Walky Talky and he answered I'm guessing it was our security Cameron "Yep, yeah thanks for getting him out." Rome says he cuts his walky talky "Right that's sorted now." He says.

She looks around probably looking for her stuff "Ahh fuck i think i forgot my stuff in there." She says smacking her head "Do you want us to go in with you?" I asked her "Yeah that will be fine with me." She says and she walks towards the club and me and Romello follow behind her.

She went in and we stayed by her whilst she went to go find her stuff but we also kept our distance away just so we weren't making her uncomfortable with being too close to her. "Right I've got my stuff now." She says


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