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Angst.. lol that's it

It had been a painful year. A year of lies, self restraint and no sex that Changbin had endured all because he fell in love. Not even some measly crush, it had been going on for too long that he was sure he had fallen in deep. Not just for one person either, but two and that wasn't close to the worst party— his dumb-idiotic-masochistic ass fell for his best friend AND his best friends boyfriend.

"You're drunk" Chan told him softly, a tired smile on his lips as he helped his friend to his bed. The three lived together, mainly for money saving for the couple but for necessity for Changbin, yet now he regretted it. It might have saved him this whole situation if he had simply just become homeless.

"I'm not, I'm telling you the truth— I love you" he firmly told him, eyes keenly watching the olders face. His cologne wasn't overwhelming but still had a faint smell that made him sober enough to not be a dumbass and make it obvious he was inhaling his smell. Chans face was clean shaven, no makeup in sight because of how late it was which he enjoyed most. This face was his favourite face of chans.

If he didn't feel so heart broken, he might've got a hard on from how close they were.

"I love you too Binnie, now hop in bed" Chan told him, laying him down only for the shorter to grip onto him tightly.

"You don't get it, I love you" Now he knows he'll feel pathetic in the morning. "Fuck, I'm crying asshole" he was going to regret this.

"Changbin?" Chan asked him, astonished at the soft sight of his naturally intimidating and macho friend. He had never seen him cry before, not even when he was drunk. "Come on, go to sleep... we'll talk in the morning" he told him softly, taking off his jacket and his socks.

"Haha.. socks" after that Chan heard nothing from Changbin as he'd passed out drunk. His mouth parted with soft snores— leaving Chan with his thoughts on how desperately he needed to have a sober conversation with his friend.

"Please, let's just talk!" It wasn't easy the next morning. The shorter remembered everything, he always did. "Changbin, come on" he begged the younger.

"I'd rather not, it was nothing last night, I was drunk out of my wits— a pathological liar that's it— it's some kind of weird snap and I start talking shit that I don't mean—"

"I've known you for over ten years shut the fuck up" Chan demanded, pushing him down against the couch as he sighed, asking his head as he sat on the other couch, facing his straight on. "Jisung will be home in twenty minutes, either you start now or you can talk to both of us about this" he offered him, the choices making Changbin gulp.

Asshole. "Chan— I really really don't want to talk about this" he told him.

"I know this might be hard but you can't— you can't just tell me you're in love with me and expect me to not ask questions..." he was right and Changbin hated it for once. "How long? Is this some new kind of crush?" He asked, questions he didn't expect so soon but of course Chan was straightforward. "Less then a month?"

"Three months?"

"Six months?"

"More then a year...?" Chan asked softly, voice growing strained as Changbin lowered his eyes. "It's been more then a year since you've felt this way about me?" He asked. Was he angry? Betrayed? Upset? Changbin didn't know but he himself felt humiliated.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Why didn't I?" Changbin asked him, almost laughing as if Chan was crazy. "You've been dating Han for three years Chan, what was I suppose to fucking do? Hey look I find you hot and want to date you? Huh? Does that sound like something I'd say? I might be a fucking dick but come on—" he scoffed shaking his head, somehow it always came to him feeling inferior to Chan. "I wanted it to pass, I wanted it to stop and go away because you're one of the only people I have left— NOT EVEN THAT you think I'd do that to Han?" He asked him.

"I—Is this why you moved in?" Chan asked quietly.

"My fucking god" he muttered under his breath, starting to shake in utter disbelief.


"Fuck you" he spat (this was suppose to be cute what the fuck), standing up from the couch as he rushed to his room, packing his most valuable shit and a spare change of clothes as he heard the older follow behind him, not stepping inside his room.

"Look I'm sorry I asked I just—..." Chan stated, swallowing the saliva in his throat as Changbin nodded.

"You just don't trust me? Right? Because at the end of the day I'm still the bad guy?" He asked him, tilting his head as Chan shook his head. "Thanks for letting me stay, you can have you're spare fucking room back" he told him, brushing past him.

"Changbin don't do this" Chan begged him.

"Changbin?" Jisungs confused face stopped Changbin for a second, thrown off guard a bit as Jisung looked between him and Chan who stood a wary few steps behind him. "Did you two fight?" He asked softly. "You're not leaving... are you?"

God he's too sweet.

"Sorry Jisung" and with that he walked past him and out of their home by himself.

"Why are you letting him go?" Jisung asked, still not sure what was exactly happening and why they fought. "I'm sure whatever it was couldn't have been that bad" he stated.

"I don't know"

"YOU LET HIM GO OVER THAT?!" Jisung shouted in disbelief, standing up as he grabbed his coat and slipped on his runners.

"You're acting like it's not some big deal" Chan stated.

"Because it's fucking obvious how he feels, I thought you knew?!" Jisung told him, trying to pull is arm out of Chans hold as the older struggled to put on his shoes.

"You knew he liked me and didn't say anything? Why not?!" Equally angry and betrayed he followed behind his boyfriend closely.

"Because he's fucking Changbin! Fuck you're dumb Christopher, I can't believe you acted like such a jackass— and making the assumption he came to live with us to get in your pants!" He shouted.

"I didn't say that!"

"You meant it, that's the problem. I get you feel betrayed that he didn't tell you but you've known him how long? To accuse him of trying to get in your pants when he was just in need of a fucking room says it all" Jisung muttered.

"Says what? God please just say it fucking straight I can't understand you!"

"You're in love with him too! Fuck me chan— I've seen the way you look at him, the way you speak about him, before we even met you held him to such high standards... if anyone is being the dick right now it's you blaming him for you're own feelings" Jisung wanted to scream and hit him in the face as he watched Chan try and stutter some excuse. "Save it, I'm not naive I know what someone looks like when they are in love and you love him just as much as you love me and I love you" he took a deep breath.

"That's— I can't.."

"You're confused, I get it, but let's speak more on how you feel later once we actually find Changbin before he gets fucking hyperthermia" Jisung grumbled.

This has sat here since the beginning, originally was suppose to be a whole fic but it just lacked... everything LMFAOO, yeah that was the end and no part 2s sorry guys.

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