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Familiar Felix and Vampire SKZ
(Based off 'What we do in the shadows')
Light hearted

"How is it as a familiar?" Felix chuckled as he repeated the question, the camera pointed to his face as he readjusted his sweater before thinking on it. "Well... it's never boring" he laughed awkwardly.

Felix had been working with this specific group of vampires for a little over five years now. At times he wanted to leave but.. they were family. To him atleast, his bosses didn't exactly see him as that, more so a slave, mule, mediocre human who lives in the house.

"Felix~" Hyunjin whined out, slowly floating from the second story down to where he was scrubbing a blood stain from the carpet. The said blonde lifting his head as he brushed back his damp hair with his forearm. "The man from wednesday is still sitting in the laundry" he continued as Felix side glanced the cameraman before giving his attention back to the vampire. "As much as I know, how you know, I enjoy the odd rotting body- I'm simply just not in the mood. Please hurry and tidy up" he demanded before giving a slight tap on the humans head as he walked off. His long coat dragging on the dirty floor behind him

Hwang Hyunjin, his main vampirism ability was mind control, and at first Felix had no doubt that it was very strong. But it's been five years, and he'd grown a resistance towards it. "Of course Hyunjin" Felix answered him as he left the sponge and stood up, making his way to the rotting food.

"Sure, it gets lonely as a familiar" Felix nodded his head before taking a deep breath. "I mean, my family thinks I work on the railways, my love life is nonexistent since this is well... a twenty four seven job all year round" he chuckled but the laughter fell strained at the end, sounding with little amusement.

"But I'm fine" Felix assured the camera man.

"Felix there are ghosts in the walls again" Minho called out to him, the dark haired vampire climbing up the walls with his ear pressed against it. "Fucking assholes are talking shit about me" he scoffed, using his speed to make his way around the room, stopping while he ended up on the ceiling. He found the freckled human walking into the room with a duster. "Hurry Felix, we need to call an exorcist or shaman or something!" He demanded. "Matter of fact, just hand me a baseball bat"

"Darling stop being so emotional, we just need to have a seance. No need to go smashing holes in the walls" Jisung chuckled as he sorted his books. When Felix first met Jisung, he was surprised by how well the vampire passed as human, other then when his accent starts to slip to show his english side. Out of all the vampires, Jisung seemed to be one of the very few attempting so stay semi present with the times.

"Sometimes their insistent fucking can be irritating but... I've learned to mute them quite easily" Felix admitted, showing his small room. The small pictures of his family on his nightstand as well as his clothes and skincare. "When you age around people who always seem to shine, pun unintented, you do become a little self concious of how you look" he laughed as he stood still for a second before leaving his room again.

"Seungmin is different from the rest of the vampires" Felix states as he sneaks his head around the corner, the camera showing the taller man dressed in typical buisness attire, sat at his computer. "He feeds off of energy, basically draining the life out of everyone and anyone, including other vampires" he noted, watching as Seungmin fixed the glasses resting on his face, his chair slowly spinning to face the spying humans.

"Did you know-" Felix took off quickly, the camera man following behind as Seungmin stopped when he noticed the doorway was empty once more. "Chickens"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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