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I have a few requests in the works already, but they are taking a bit more time then I guessed so this is one of mine. I might do a part 2 of this.

Fantasy world
slight angst
Something cute!

"Where is he?" The king asks, he wasn't angry, nor upset, it was a question that held little emotion but it drove everyone's blood cold as ice with fear. His long black hair held up by a silver hair pin, his crown resting on the thrown next to him idly. "I asked a question, the correct thing would be to answer me is that not right?" He asks calmly, standing up from his throne firmly, his back straight and his tall form surpassing his people as his first servant gently lifted his crown and helped place it atop his head.

The hall was dimly lit by candles. Over thirty servants stood ready to attend any demand from the king, ten knights stood by the end of the hallway, watching for safety. Everything was very formal, and it was clear that no matter what, this room was not for laughter or small talk. The seriousness clung to the air like the flu and everyone was anxious.

"My king, the prince refused to join his morning lectures claiming to be bed ridden but when the palace nurses went to see him he was gone" the servant spoke sadly, his greying hair and thin lips tugged in a straight line. His uniform neat and tidy. The first servant was a house goblin, aged upon time yet still wore such grace of royalty. The best to serve his ruler. "I'm afraid the palace guards have been looking for him since midday my king" he finished, bowing respectfully before taking four steps back as ruled.

"Forgive our rudeness, our acts are a disgrace my king, we didn't intend harm as the young prince had played this many times before as you know" a younger servant, one that served the young prince spoke out. Voice withering, sweat trickling down her forehead. The king didn't glance at his subject, he only listened to the young humans words as he frowned.

He indeed was well customed to his sons behaviour, but it never did cease to irritate and worry him when he acted out so immaturely. Especially when he wasn't far away from taking the kings place, from taking the throne.

"Changbin my son... please come home" he whispered to himself before continuing down the dark hallways. The candles flickering slightly as even the shadows parted for the king.


"It says North but I swear the kingdom of Ezraiok is in the East" the young man muttered confused. Glancing at the map in his hands irritated. He had been walking all day but he had barely made any speed from his kingdom. Or well... his soon to be kingdom.

The sun was unusually bright. Not a cloud in the sky and the prince knew his fair complexion would be as pink as his lips if he didn't make it to the next village at least.

That of course didn't stop the prince from loosing sight of his mission as his eyes drifted to a hill. The grass not high and wild daisies decorated nearly every spot. Yet that wasn't what caught the young princes attention, it was the young man seated on the hill, staring at the soft blue sky without a care. His gorgeous golden hair moving so softly with the wind. His eyes staring above into the sky.

To say the prince was slightly enchanted by the stranger was no lie, he had never been so overcome by such tranquility before.

He had the carelessness that Changbin oh so dearly craved. Was that the reason he found himself moving closer to the young man? Or perhaps his pure boredom of traveling alone for hours. It was a delight to finally see another person. Person. Person? As the young prince came closer, and the sound of crickets silenced, he wasn't to sure if he should have continued on his way. The sun kissed skin, and pointed ears had him in awe. Even without doing anything, he appeared gracious.

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